Experts explain the importance of the vaccine to eliminate diseases in Brazil
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A world reference for vaccines, Brazil is close to gaining certification as a “measles-free country”, as the country completed two years, in June, without measles cases. The Brazilian territory received this title in 2016, but lost it when the virus was reintroduced. However, the last confirmed case was in Amapá, in 2022. The country has already eliminated four diseases, such as polio, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome and neonatal tetanus.
To eliminate diseases in the country, the vaccine is one of the major factors in protecting the population and reducing the circulation of the virus. However, if they do not vaccinate, there is a chance that the virus will circulate again, as Brazil receives foreign visitors.
The importance of the vaccine
According to pediatrician and director of the Brazilian Society of Immunizations (SBIm), Isabella Ballai, who witnessed the measles outbreak in Brazil in 2018, she explains that when a population has low coverage (few vaccinated), someone can easily become infected and so you can infect others. Thus, an outbreak begins.
However, the numbers show that Brazil's vaccination coverage has been falling since 2015. After the pandemic, in 2022, the data rose, but did not reach the target of 95%, which is the minimum for a vaccine number .
The expectation is that vaccination coverage for children will increase in 2024 (Photo: reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Science Photo Library – Ian Hooton)
From birth, the national vaccine calendar allows for 20 mandatory protective vaccines across all life cycles, including measles and polio.
However, vaccinations on the childhood calendar indicated an increase in 2023, expectations are that they will increase further in 2024. Childhood vaccination coverage is 16 vaccines and 13 showed an increase.
Reasons for not getting vaccinated
According to Ballai, lack of information and access is one of the factors that prevent people from getting vaccinated. Furthermore, experts say that fake news also contributed to people not getting vaccinated, which increased during the pandemic.
Despite the fake news, experts also say that vaccines should be routine and not only monitored in campaigns. Therefore, the flow of vaccines between people would increase.
Featured photo: experts explain the importance of vaccines to eliminate diseases (Reproduction/Getty Images Embed/d3sign)
Experts explain the importance of the vaccine to eliminate diseases in Brazil
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Experts explain the importance of the vaccine to eliminate diseases in Brazil