Flamengo suffers with an average of more than 20 submissions per game against opponents
Santos and Flamengo faced each other last Sunday (25) and the home team lost 3-2 to the red-black. Even with the three points conquered by Flamengo, placing the team in third place in the Brazilian championship, the result brought concern to the team.
Santos made 12 submissions during the game, a number considered high, but that added to the last three Flamengo games, there are 73 submissions that the club from Rio suffered. This is an average of more than 20 finals per game, there are many chances created by the opponents, and that worries the Rio de Janeiro club a lot.
Angelo and Ayrton duel in Vila Belmiro (Photo: Reproduction/Gilvan de Souza)
The Santos defeat against rival Corinthians, in the middle of the week, led to the dismissal of coach Odair Hellmann. And with that, the game against Flamengo was under the command of interim coach Claudiomiro Salenave, who chose a different team with Lucas Pires on the left side and Gabriel Inocêncio on the right. Coach Jorge Sampaoli’s team also had a different lineup: David Luiz, Arrascaeta, Thiago Maia and Pedro on the bench, and Victor Hugo had an opportunity to be a starter in that match.
Vila Belmiro, which was empty due to the punishment of the STJD (Superior Court of Sports Justice) due to the confusion generated by the Santos fans, in the face of the defeat in the classic against Corinthians, recalled the pandemic scenario, when it could not have fans present in stadiums. Even with that, the home team didn’t lack for will, but they weren’t very successful in their 12 shots, only 6 of which were on goal.
Gabriel Barbosa, who was previously a Santos player, did not perform well on the field and was unable to score against his former team. Bruno Henrique, who also played for saints, is returning to the pitch after a long recovery period. They are important players in the red-black team.
Featured photo: Flamengo players celebrate one of the goals against Santos. Reproduction/Sport News World/Earth
Flamengo suffers with an average of more than 20 submissions per game against opponents
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