Fluminense players defend Marcelo after controversy at the club

by stephen Douglas

Fluminense players defend Marcelo after controversy at the club

Last week, a new controversy arose in Fluminense. According to what was disclosed, the atmosphere at the club is shaken and there are some dissatisfactions with Marcelo, who, according to what has been said, is going through some problems within the club and is not close to much of the tricolor cast.

After the 2-1 victory against bahia last Saturday (24), Keno and Gabriel Pirani manifested themselves during an interview and made it clear that they were troubled with what was said about Marcelo and on the environment in Orange Tricolor.

Marcelo was defended by his teammates (Photo: Leonardo Brasil/Fluminense FC)

When asked about the controversy, keno promptly replied that there is no problem and that the group was not shaken by the information that was released. The player added that everyone works together and trusts a lot in Marcelo, Felipe Melo and Fabio, who are the most experienced players on the team. The winger also said that the squad remains concentrated, united with Fernando Diniz and their coaching staff and that they will just go about their lives, ignoring what has been said in recent days. To end your interview, Keno talked more about Marcelo and reinforced that the winger is very dear to his teammates.

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“Say what about Marcelo? A multi-champion, humble, group guy. Stay chatty playing inside the group. This will not happen here in Fluminense, people. The guy is professional, talks to everyone, talks to everyone, a very humble guy, he takes the boys from Xerém there… We are with him, with Felipe Melo, everyone is together”Keno said.

Gabriel Pirani, scorer of the winning goal Fluminense in the match, also appeared to talk about the alleged problem at the club and made it clear that the players are very close to Marcelo.

“The environment is fine as it always has been. Since my arrival here, the group welcomed me, Diniz, when he called me, said: ‘I think it’s a group you’ve never been with’, and he was right. Everyone is closed off, I think everyone sees how happy we are when Marcelo is on the pitch. I joked with him when we scored the first goal, he said: ‘Get ready, you’re going to score the second’. We were very happy with his return, we liked him a lot. I think that what they released has no place”said Gabriel Pirani.

With the victory against Bahia, O Fluminense reached 21 points and is the third place in the table of Brazilian championship. O Orange Tricolor returns to the field on Tuesday (27) to face Sporting Cristal, of Peru, in a match valid for the last round of the group stage of the Liberators.

Featured Photo: According to what was released, Marcelo has been having problems at the club. Leonardo Brasil/Fluminense FC

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Fluminense players defend Marcelo after controversy at the club

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