Gomez mental health – Insecurities about her own body, psychosis and a diagnosis of bipolar disorder; Selena Gomez leaves almost nothing undiscussed in her documentaryMy Mind & Me. The singer and actress has had a number of tough years. She wants to share this struggle with her audience in the hope that they can get something out of it themselves.
“I didn’t want to go to a psychiatric hospital, but I certainly didn’t want to be stuck in my head anymore,” Gomez says in the film about the period in which she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Before she heard this diagnosis in 2019, Gomez already had a lot of struggle with her own head on it.
Gomez hasn’t chosen the first best director to tell her personal story. My Mind & Meis directed by Alek Kasheshian, known for his documentaryTruth Or Dareabout Madonna. The film follows Gomez from 2016 until earlier this year, when she talks to US President Joe Biden about mental health.
‘The pressure is too overwhelming’
At the beginning of the film it immediately becomes clear that Gomez was struggling with a negative self-image at the time. While trying on clothes for her Revival Tour, which she performs with in 2016, she bursts into tears.
“I want the body that allows me to wear this pride and I want the ass I don’t have. My body is very young. I want to look like a woman, not a twelve-year-old boy,” said the now thirty-year-old singer at the time.
Her body isn’t the only thing she’s insecure about. “There’s a voice in my head that constantly tells me I’m doing things wrong. You catch a glimpse of yourself on a screen and immediately think: ‘that doesn’t look like it at all’. It sucks all the life out of me and I don’t want to perform anymore. The pressure is too overwhelming.”
Gomez breaks off the tour early to focus on her mental health. Her friends and family are seriously worried, because the will to live with the singer and actress seems to have disappeared. In 2016 she has been hospitalized for a while, but it goes from bad to worse when she has a psychosis in 2018.
Gomez mental health issues

‘I should never have treated my family like that’
Speaking toRolling Stoneabout the documentary, Gomez says that in the months of psychosis, she had very paranoid feelings and didn’t trust anyone around her. She says she can’t remember much of that time. Only after a few months did she feel herself slowly waking up from the psychosis.
Shortly thereafter, Gomez is told she has bipolar disorder. The diagnosis is difficult to accept for the singer, but at the same time gives her insight into her own behavior. In tears, she tells how she has hurt the people closest to her because of her mental problems.
“That’s why I say I have the best friends and family. Especially my mother and stepfather, because I should never have treated them the way I did. Even now I say sorry for that, because I remember parts of this and I was very mean.”
‘Wants others to get the help they deserve’
The singer is now receiving medication, which allows her to better regulate her mental health. While taking this medication, she cannot become pregnant, while she has a pronounced desire to have children. She keeps the options open to become a mother through other avenues.
Gomez is now using her own experiences to help other people facing similar problems. She set up the Rare Impact Fund, with which she raises money to make mental health care accessible to everyone and to include education about this in teaching packages.
“Mental health is very personal to me and I hope I can help others by using my platform and sharing my own story. The only thing I want to achieve is that others feel less alone and also get the help they deserve.”
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Gomez mental health issues exposes