How Bella Campos Got to Little Love Deluxe with MC Cabelinho
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Rapper MC Cabelinho spoke to the POPLine portal this Saturday (6), before performing at an event that took place in São Paulo. When asked about the first results of the Deluxe version of his album “LITTLE LOVE”the artist stated that the reception was very cool and that they were already in the TOP 50 of Spotify Brazil, he also added “Spotify is flowing, there are already over a million songs on there, that’s a rush”.
The singer also commented on the muse who inspired his love songs, actress Bella Campos. He said: “This album I came out more mature, right? Talking about my new phase, of being in love. There were five songs dedicated to Isabella.”
MC Cabelinho also talked about how the idea of adding his girlfriend's voice to the song came about “Rare Black”a song that was inspired by Bella herself. He says: “Ah… I was producing in the studio with Palma, who was one of the beatmakers, and there was a space between one song and another,” she added. “I said: ‘we have to put something here’. Then I thought: ‘ah, I’m going to put some dialogue between me and Isabella’. And she was in the studio at the time. I asked her that question and it flowed naturally there. It was cool, she liked it!”
Listen to the track featuring the actress below:
Music video for “Preta Rara” by MC Cabelinho/Reproduction from Youtube.
In addition to sharing a relationship in real life, the artists star in Rede Globo's new 7pm soap opera, “Go in Faith”. There is still speculation that MC Cabelinho's character, Hugo, and Bella, played by Bella Campos, will become a couple throughout the development of the plot, which is written by screenwriter Rosane Svartman.
Their relationship began with an interest behind the scenes at Rede Globo, and they began to get involved after the MC sent a message on Instagram to the actress with a love emoji.
Featured photo: MC Cabelinho's Instagram post. Reproduction/Instagram.
How Bella Campos Got to Little Love Deluxe with MC Cabelinho
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How Bella Campos Got to Little Love Deluxe with MC Cabelinho