how the president's case could change the treatment of serious illnesses
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This is a relatively new technique in the world of medicine and was developed to treat in a less invasive way some possible serious diseases such as heart attack, stroke and some types of cancer. It works more or less like this: the images taken by X-ray or tomography guide doctors to guide them through wires or a catheter through blood vessels until they reach the affected area. Some of these methods allow you to correct dysfunctions while the baby is still in the womb.
This new technology was used to improve the health of President Lula (PT), 79 years old, who underwent this minor surgery last Thursday (12), after hitting his head in a domestic accident. This embolization procedure serves to prevent further bleeding and bruising in the skull.
With the advancement of the technique called interventional radiology, it has been widely used because it is not very invasive. There are just two small holes made in the skin, unlike before, when it was necessary to open the patient's skin, which made recovery slow and costly.
Lula and Janja leaving the hospital after the president's discharge (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@lulaoficial)
Emergence of the technique
The technique known as “interventional radiology” emerged in the mid-1970s, by an American radiologist named Alexander Margulis, who observed that this technique not only made it possible to make diagnoses, but was also capable of performing minimally invasive procedures. This was viable in the following decades, especially with the evolution of stents, which are materials that open inside the artery to guarantee the passage of blood.
What happened to Lula
The president underwent surgery on the 12th of this month after complaining of head pain after falling at home. Taken to hospital on the 9th, doctors decided to undergo emergency surgery to drain the hematoma, which reduced the blood flow in the meninges, which is a layer that surrounds the brain. After the second surgery, the president was under observation and had no consequences.
Featured Photo: Lula underwent an interventional radiology procedure recently (Reproduction/REUTERS)
how the president's case could change the treatment of serious illnesses
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how the president's case could change the treatment of serious illnesses