How to Clean Up Your Instagram Feed

by James Williams
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How to Clean Up Your Instagram Feed
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After a while of using it, it's common for the Instagram feed to end up getting messy. And if the user follows too many profiles at the same time, this can get out of control, which can even make it difficult and confusing to use the app for Android and iPhone (iOS).

To improve this situation, the social network's own application offers features to better organize what is displayed on the platform's home screen, which allows for a clean account.

We have prepared an article to help you with this process, with useful tips for you to clean up your Instagram and make your feed more organized.

Table of Contents

How to Clean Up Your Instagram Feed

Add profiles to “Favorites”

On Instagram, there are two options for displaying your feed. The first option is “following”, which shows posts from accounts you follow, always starting with the most recent post, in chronological order.

The second is “Favorites”, where the social network prioritizes content from accounts that you want to see more frequently, since suggested publications do not appear in this type of view. You can add up to 50 profiles to the favorites section, and only the account owner has access to this list.

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Only follow those who really matter

It's manual work, but it makes a difference if you want to truly clean up your Instagram feed. By limiting the people you follow to only those you actually know or interact with regularly, your home screen will be more organized and clean.

Another suggestion is to unfollow people who don't follow you back, as these profiles can accumulate in your feed. From time to time, it's a good idea to manually check who the people you interact with the most are, and keep only those who really matter.

Adjust the display of sensitive content

The social network prohibits posts of explicit or sensitive content, but it may happen that some posts do not violate Instagram's Community Guidelines and still contain some type of speech that offends or harms people.

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For these cases, the platform offers a feature that controls the display of content that you may consider sensitive. The posts may not disappear completely from your feed, but Instagram's algorithms will understand that you don't want specific content to appear.

Mute unwanted accounts

If you don’t want to see someone’s posts but don’t want to unfollow or block them, you can use the mute feature. The muted user’s posts will no longer appear in your feed, and even interactions like comments, likes, and direct messages will be hidden between you and the person. This feature is different from blocking or restricting someone on Instagram.

Use the “Not Interested” feature

By default, Instagram recommends posts and accounts to follow in all tabs on the platform, from the feed to “Explore”, and even in the “Reels” area. The mechanism is native to the social network, and cannot be disabled.

However, the platform has a “Not Interested” feature that can be used whenever you come across a post that you don’t find interesting or relevant. When activated, the post is instantly removed from your feed, and Instagram will suggest fewer posts similar to the content that was hidden.

Activate “snooze” mode

This feature follows the same line as muting, and works for suggestions of new posts in your feed, only valid for accounts that you do not follow, but that you have interacted with in some way in the last few days.

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“Snooze” mode blocks the display of new posts from specific profiles for a month. To do this, tap the “X” icon located in the upper right corner of the suggested post, and select the option “Activate Snooze mode for all suggested posts in the feed for 30 days”.

How to Clean Up Your Instagram Feed

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How to Clean Up Your Instagram Feed

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