Is cheap car insurance really worth it?

by Xavier Catherine
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Is cheap car insurance really worth it?
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Surveys carried out by several institutions show that less than half of cars have insurance.

The reasons why people don't take out insurance are diverse, however, the value is what weighs most in the decision.

After all, maintaining the car can already bring extra costs, and no one wants to have an additional bill. Furthermore, there are those who think that nothing bad will happen and prefer to take risks and do without insurance.

However, there are people who know the importance of ensuring protection for their vehicle. But, before hiring, they end up doing a lot of research to find a more affordable price.

But it's not worth just looking at the values, there are other factors that should influence the choice.

Is cheap car insurance really worth it?

Image: Getty

Table of Contents

Basic insurance against theft and theft

An existing type of insurance is one that offers basic protections such as theft, theft and lightning. Only this assistance is included in this type of insurance and, because of this, it ends up having a more affordable value.

It is possible to find tracker services with insurance on the market with prices starting at R$69.90 per month.

However, if the car is involved in a collision, there will be no assistance. The entire cost will have to be borne by the owner.

Therefore, the vehicle will not be able to count on many protections, some of which are almost essential to resolve everyday incidents.

If the idea was to save money on basic insurance, it can be more expensive than you imagine depending on the case. If you suffer a crash, the amount spent may be higher than conventional insurance.

For example, you pay an average of R$70 for insurance against robbery and theft, but if your vehicle gets dented and the headlight breaks, it could cost an average of R$900.00 to repair.

However, if the car is stolen and not located, it is possible to receive compensation and still benefit from paying little for insurance.

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Popular insurance

Another type of insurance available is popular auto insurance. For a long time, it was expected to offer protection for older vehicles and promised a lower price.

Indeed, compared to traditional insurance, the cost is lower, but so are the protections.

One of the things that makes this insurance cheaper is the possibility of using parts from dismantling plants, but which are regularized.

However, this is not the only point that must be taken into consideration. The coverage offered by popular insurance can be more restrictive, as can the compensation.

Popular auto insurance typically offers protection against theft and theft, however, not all operators guarantee collisions.

Another fact is that in cases of total loss, the compensation can correspond to 80% of the value in the FIPE table, resulting in a financial loss.

It also does not usually allow for additional coverage, such as protection for windows and headlights, which may be essential for some drivers.

It is possible to find popular SulAmérica insurance from R$50.

Is it worth paying less?

What ends up being cheaper in insurance is the value of the premium, as the deductible does not usually vary much.

It is exactly the value of the prize that people have their eyes on and the less it is, the more interesting it becomes.

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The problem is that it doesn't always come out that cheap because if on one hand the value of the prize is lower, on the other hand, you may need to spend more.

The ideal is to always check which coverages will be available and what their real cost is. This must be compared with the expenses that would be incurred if the amount had to be paid separately.

Furthermore, check whether the insurance company has a good recommendation on the market. For example, among the insurers with the cheapest insurance is Youse Seguros, but is it trustworthy? To find out if a particular insurance company is trustworthy, do an online search. There are many websites with information about companies' activities, such as Reclame Aqui.

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Coming to the conclusion that the costs are higher when opting for basic insurance and paying separately for the damage, it is not worth it.

Traditional car insurance is more complete and, despite having a slightly higher value, ends up being more financially advantageous.

If you want to know more, discover 6 cheap car insurance options. This way, you save on hiring protection for your sake and don't have to give up on always being safe. Remember that it is important to have the support of an insurance company whenever you need it.

Can I have insurance for old vehicles without acceptance?

Is cheap car insurance really worth it?

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Is cheap car insurance really worth it?


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