“It's the first time I'm parading, so the excitement will be double”
Actor Vitor Figueiredo, 16, was unable to fulfill one of his greatest dreams: to work with his cousin, comedian Paulo Gustavo. He and Paulo had a project together in the series “My mother is a piece of work”. Unfortunately, this work was not carried out, as the brilliant actor died in 2021 due to complications from Covid-19.
The young actor, who was revealed as a child in “Flor do Caribe”, regretted not realizing his dream: “Last year, Paulo had invited me to participate in the series 'Minha Mãe é uma Peça', which would be an exclusive production by 'GloboPlay'. It would be our first work together, but unfortunately I was unable to realize this dream.”
Vitor also says that he didn't meet Paulo Gustavo very often, but they managed to arrange to see each other backstage after the premieres of shows and films. He was the one who gave the rings to Paulo during his wedding to Thales Bretas.
Vitor Figueiredo and Paulo Gustavo (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
The actor will represent Paulo Gustavo in the carnival parade. According to him, the invitation to play his cousin in São Clemente came from the honoree's own mother, Déia Lúcia.
“I really wanted to parade and take part in this tribute. Now, imagine my joy when she invited me to represent Paulo on the avenue?”
Vitor in the São Clemente warehouse (Photo: Reproduction/ Extra/ Rafael Arantes)
It will be his first time parading in Sapucaí. Vitor admitted that he has already visited the school's warehouse and did not keep his expectations of being able to pay tribute to his cousin to himself: “It's the first time I'm parading, so the excitement will be double. I can already imagine the entire avenue singing the samba and getting excited along with us.”
At the end of 2021, São Clemente announced the song “Dona Hermínia sent word”. Paulo Gustavo's mother was the one who announced the winning samba in a video from the school itself: “I want to thank São Clemente for all this tribute it is making to my son. We are all being honored and he especially. Wherever he is, he is happy…”
Now, on May 4th, the death of Paulo Gustavo, who was one of the greatest actors in Brazil, completes one year.
Featured Photo: Vitor Figueiredo and Paulo Gustavo. Reproduction/ Instagram
“It's the first time I'm parading, so the excitement will be double”
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