Iza posts revelation tea and reveals her daughter's name
Last Monday (13), singer Iza announced, through Instagram, that she is expecting a girl, as a result of her relationship with football player Yuri Lima. The name has already been chosen: Nala.
Iza published the video of the moment of the revelation tea alongside Yuri Lima, where they popped the balloon that revealed the lilac color, indicating that a girl was about to come. They hug, expressing happiness and in the caption, the singer wrote: “Welcome, Nala”.
Iza's revelation tea (Video: reproduction/Instagram/@iza)
Meaning of the name
The name chosen by Iza and Yuri has a lot of meaning. Nala has African origin and can mean “gift”, “gift”, “lion” and “success” in Swahili. For Indians, it can be someone “loving” or “the one who loves”, coming from Sanskrit.
For Iza, the name may have a different meaning. Nala became better known to the public after the success of the Lion King films, as it is the name of Simba's partner, the film's protagonist, and one of the most beloved characters among fans of these works.
In the live action of the classic released in 2019, Iza was the voice behind Nala in the Brazilian dubbing. In the original version, Beyoncé, one of the singer's biggest inspirations, voiced the character.
Iza's pregnancy
Iza confirmed that she was pregnant on April 10, after the news was leaked. Two days later, she went live performing for her fans and showing her belly for the first time.
The singer told Glamor that she was ecstatic and always dreamed of being a mother, as she had a maternal side to the people around her. Regarding the reaction of her lover, Yuri Lima, Iza said she was unable to record the moment, but was happy to have left the occasion just between them, and with a lot of crying. She revealed that the player opened the window of the hotel where they were staying and started screaming with joy.
Featured photo: Iza and Yuri Lima (Reproduction/Instagram/@yurilima94)
Iza posts revelation tea and reveals her daughter's name
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