Juventude captain leads movement to stop Brasileirão

by stephen Douglas
Juventude captain leads movement to stop Brasileirão

Juventude captain leads movement to stop Brasileirão
– international sports, latest sports news, local games and international games

Juventude's captain, Nenê, is leading a movement among the captains of the Brazilian Championship Series A teams to stop games in solidarity with Rio Grande do Sul, which is facing a serious climate tragedy. The initiative aims to unite the clubs in a gesture of support in the face of the floods and devastation caused by the rains in the state.

Mobilization in the midst of crisis

Nenê revealed that she started the movement in a WhatsApp group of captains, seeking a union to help in the face of the emergency situation in Rio Grande do Sul, according to a report from 'GE': “I wrote a text and sent it to the group of captains of the Serie A clubs. Before the championship, we had a meeting with the CBF, involving everyone. And now I've tried to get this started. We have a very big force and, if we come together, we can do something to help. Let's look for this same direction. I imagined that the CBF would stop the championship. As there was a meeting and there was no consensus, I tried, based on that, to talk to the captains and change the route. being flooded now, like Pelotas. said the midfielder.

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For the athlete, the intention of this movement is to show that life goes beyond football and that a joint effort is needed to face the challenges caused by floods and devastation.

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Aerial view of the Arena do Grêmio Stadium (Reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Carlos Fabal/AFP)

Solidarity and challenges

Despite the solidarity expressed by the captains of the Serie A teams, so far there has been no official action indicating the suspension of the games. Nenê highlighted the importance of greater mobilization given the gravity of the situation, emphasizing the difficulty of training and playing in the midst of the crisis and the need to go beyond football, helping the community affected by the floods and destruction: “Even though the rain has stopped, the water level is very high, the destruction was immense. So, I would like to make an appeal, unite the clubs and try to stop. Life goes beyond football and I'm in no mood for play and train. Despite all the donations from all over Brazil, we feel powerless”highlighted Nenê.

Shares disclosed

So far, the only action announced has been the suspension of games by clubs from Rio Grande do Sul for a period of 20 days, which ends on May 27th. According to a report from ESPN, the 20 clubs in Series 'A' were approached to take a stance on the issue. Among them, only Fluminense did not respond.

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Of the others, seven clubs showed solidarity in relation to the suspension of the championship, while Athletico-PR and Atlético-GO were against it. Four clubs chose not to speak out, and the others were awaiting the positioning of their TV quota sales blocks or an official positioning from the CBF.

Last Tuesday (07), São Paulo, together with Flamengo and Palmeiras, released a note through social media, offering places to house Rio Grande do Sul clubs while the state of Rio Grande do Sul does not return to normality. Flamengo made CT George Helal (Ninho do Urubu) available, Palmeiras offered the Football Academy, Allianz Parque and Arena Barueri, while São Paulo made CT de Cotia and Morumbi available. However, to date, nothing has been defined regarding this aid proposal.

Featured Photo: Nenê captain of Juventude (Reproduction/Arthur Dallegrave/Instragam/@nene)

Juventude captain leads movement to stop Brasileirão

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Juventude captain leads movement to stop Brasileirão

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