Larissa Manoela posts a photo alongside Klara Castanho and Maisa Silva in support of her friend: “All my support”

by Xavier Catherine
Larissa Manoela posts a photo alongside Klara Castanho and Maisa

Larissa Manoela posts a photo alongside Klara Castanho and Maisa Silva in support of her friend: “All my support”

This Sunday (26), Larissa Manoela spoke out in defense of actress and friend, Klara Castanho. As part of her friend's support network, Larissa wrote: “That, despite all the evil, we can still have the gift of seeing you smile. All my support, affection and love.In the post, besides Klara, Larissa is next to her friend and fellow actress Maisa Silva. The trio is part of the same generation of child actresses who have a huge fan base in Brazil. In particular, Maisa and Klara worked together in the film “Tudo Por um Popstar” and in the Netflix series “De Volta aos 15”.

The 21-year-old actress has been the target of debates and attacks on the internet, since the moment she revealed through an open letter that she was a victim of sexual violence, became pregnant and legally placed the baby for adoption.

Klara Castanho, Maisa Silva and Larissa Manoela. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Initially, the news about the actress's pregnancy was released by a columnist, without any information about the sexual violence. The journalist's conduct led Klara to speak out and write an open letter to the public, explaining what really happened to her. The actress, who began her career very early, received messages of support from numerous artists on social media.

In addition to celebrities, the actress's father, Claudio Castanho, also used his Instagram profile to show support for his daughter. In his Stories, Claudio posted a photo with Klara and her brother: “I will be with you until the end of my life”, he wrote.

Klara Castanho's father shows support for his daughter. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

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On Sunday morning (26), Klara thanked people for their solidarity in some posts. In the post by writer Thalita Rebouças, the actress reciprocated the affection by saying that she loved her with all her heart. Klara worked with Thalita in the films “Tudo Por Um Popstar” and “Confessions of an Excluded Girl”. She also responded to posts by Dadá Coelho, Bruno Mazzeo and Tais Araújo.

Featured Photo: Klara Castanho, Maisa Silva and Larissa Manoela. Reproduction/Instagram

Larissa Manoela posts a photo alongside Klara Castanho and Maisa Silva in support of her friend: “All my support”

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