Letícia Colin speaks for the first time about the end of her marriage: “we get along very well”

by Xavier Catherine
Letícia Colin speaks for the first time about the end

Letícia Colin speaks for the first time about the end of her marriage: “we get along very well”

Letícia Colin talks about the end of their relationship, which lasted almost a decade, for the first time in an interview with Quem magazine, last Friday (17). The actress was married to director Michel Melamed.

The interview was carried out for the launch of the new Globoplay series, The Othersin which Letícia said that she is very close to her ex-husband and that they get along very well, she takes the opportunity to guide couples to have this type of bond. The relationship lasted 9 years in total and had a single child, Uri.

She also points out that, especially, those who have children should invest in a good relationship with their spouse, with bonds of friendship, care, respect and harmony. The actress confided how difficult the separation is and that she is very grateful for the life the two had together.

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Four-year-old son is fine with the situation

Uri Colin Melamed is the couple's only child and the one who surprised his mother the most at this moment. The boy doesn't seem to be affected by his parents' breakup: “Uri is great, he's happy, he's cute. He's too much. And children, sometimes, assimilate things in a better way than us, who worry so much”, said the villain of All Flowers.

Letícia also adds that adults have many moral judgments and powers of attorney as “what will happen in life”but that your child is ready for challenges. The artist revealed that her four-year-old son gave strength to his parents and commented that he thinks it's really cool.

Letícia Colin Michel Melamed and son

Letícia Colin, Uri and Michel Melamed (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@leticiacolin)

The relationship started at work

Actress Letícia Colin and director Michel Melamed met in 2015, behind the scenes of the program “Bipolar Show”they kissed for the first time when Letícia participated in the attraction. Soon after, the couple was formed. In 2019 they decided to expand their family, with the birth of Uri.

Featured Photo: Letícia Colin, Uri and Michel Melamed (reproduction/Instagram/@leticiacolin)

Letícia Colin speaks for the first time about the end of her marriage: “we get along very well”

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