Manchester United may go after Neymar, says English newspaper
Manchester United, if sold to a Qatari banker, could go after Neymar in the next transfer window, says English newspaper
Even if the subject is old and is being dragged through the whole season, there is still no agreement between Sheikh Jassim and the Glazers family, but the investor is already starting to plan his possible actions ahead of the club. The banker sees hiring Neymar as one of his first actions if his offer is accepted.
In the investor’s view, the arrival of the Brazilian striker will be a milestone in the club’s history, which will be considered remarkable and a first sign of the intentions of the future owners of the Red Devils. However, so far, this is just speculation, not least because the sale of Manchester United has not even been made official.
After a great start to the season for PSGNeymar suffered an ankle injury during the world Cup, but managed to recover even in the competition. However, in early 2023, the striker had problems with the site again and underwent surgery and is in a recovery period until now.

Even so, the Brazilian ended the season with 18 goals and 17 assists, with only 29 games played. In the next transfer window, the French club should see Lionel Messi leave and may consider proposals for Neymar, who has a contract until 2027, but does not seem to be one of the team’s priorities.
Manchester United may go after Neymar, says English newspaper
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