Medicine used to treat diabetes could be a new ally against Parkinson's, says research
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This Friday (05), the study of a medicine used by diabetics that can be an ally against the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease was published in the scientific journal The New England Journal of Medicine. The research was carried out over a year with 156 patients.
Research methodology
The study consisted of dividing patients into two groups, all in the early stages of Parkinson's, in which one of the groups received, in addition to treatment against the motor disease, lixisenatide, a compound present in the medications Ozempic and Wegovy, respectively, for patients with type 2 diabetes, and the second received placebos, also during treatment.
Parkinson's disease does not kill directly, but it can cause fatal accidents and falls (Photo: reproduction/Dean Mitchell/ISTOCKPHOTO)
After twelve months, the researchers concluded that the seventy-eight people who received daily doses of the substance remained in the initial stage of Parkinson's disease, while the others had a worsening diagnosis.
“This is the first large-scale, multicenter clinical trial that provides the efficacy signals that have been sought for so many years.” said Olivier Rascol, a scientist who studies Parkinson's disease at the University Hospital of Toulouse in France and the study leader, in a statement.
After the study ended, scientists concluded that the diabetes drug not only reduces motor symptoms, but protects the brain against loss of energy. neurons, common during aging. It was reported, however, that there were side effects: 46% of patients who received this medication reported nausea and 13% vomiting.
Now researchers aim to find out whether lixisenatide can actually delay Parkinson's and its long-term benefits. “Longer and larger trials are needed to determine the effects and security of lixisenatide in people with Parkinson’s disease.”the study authors wrote.
Understand the disease
Parkinson's disease affects 1% of the population over 65 years of age (Photo: reproduction/DMPhoto/IStockPhoto)
Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 4 million people live with Parkinson's disease, also called Parkinson's disease, around the world. Although it does not lead to death directly, the disease can facilitate falls and accidents that, to a certain extent, can lead to the patient's death. It is believed that 1% of the population over 65 years of age on the planet is affected by Parkinson's and, although incurable, there are treatments that can help in better living with the disease, which is mainly characterized by tremors that affect various parts of the body, in mood and even the functioning of some organs, such as loss of smell, constipation and urinary incontinence. The initial symptoms of Parkinson's disease are generally imbalances, tremors and slow movements, which are diagnosable through a neurological examination. The causes of the disease are still unknown, but it is known that a healthy diet, regular sleep and avoiding smoking and a sedentary lifestyle are the main recommendations given by doctors and scientists to prevent the disease.
Featured Photo: Parkinson's disease has no cure, but its development can be delayed (Reproduction/evrymnt/istockphoto)
Medicine used to treat diabetes could be a new ally against Parkinson's, says research
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Medicine used to treat diabetes could be a new ally against Parkinson's, says research