Meghan Markle: Kate Middleton responsible for her absence at the coronation? scathing warning
It’s hard not to imagine Kate Middleton not reaching out to him in such circumstances after having also been there. However, Meghan Markle does not seem to support such a version. She even claims that the Duchess of Cambridge made her cry a few days before her wedding. Besides her accusations, the attacks on William didn’t sit well with her either, frustrating Kate’s desire to cut corners with the Sussexes.
The limits being crossed, the Princess of Wales would have chosen not to give any more gifts to Meghan Markle. Reason why according to sources at Page Sixshe would have warned the ex-actress of Suits indicating to her that if she came to the coronation, she was asked to go”sit far from the first rows within the abbey.” Aware of the welcome that awaited her, Meghan would therefore have preferred to simply decline the invitation.
The promise of an “icy welcome”
The members of the clan did not, however, pretend. From the start, the Sussexes were warned and knew that a “icy welcome” would be waiting for them if they were to be present at the coronation of Charles III. Harry and Meghan therefore considered it more judicious for only the prince to go there. They would even have considered Meghan’s presence as hypocritical after all the revelations that they have made on the royal family, so it is alone that Harry will face the storm before joining his clan in California.
Meghan Markle: Kate Middleton responsible for her absence at the coronation? scathing warning
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