Meta AI: how to change the voice in WhatsApp AI

by James Williams
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Meta AI: how to change the voice in WhatsApp AI
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It's been some time since Meta AI arrived on Brazilians' WhatsApp, being an artificial intelligence tool developed by Meta that works in a similar way to ChatGPT and Gemini. Meta AI is also available on other applications such as Instagram, Facebook and Messenger.

The feature is like a generative Artificial Intelligence virtual assistant, which can be accessed through a chat. There, the user can ask several questions, in addition to asking the tool to generate images.

In addition to interaction using text, the function also allows the user to make commands through audio. This causes the AI ​​to also respond using voice or text. To do this, you need to allow WhatsApp to access your microphone, and it is worth mentioning that not all users have this feature in Meta AI.

At the annual Meta Connect 2024 conference, which took place in September, the company announced new features for Meta AI, such as the voice conversation feature with users, making it possible to give a voice command to speak to the tool.

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According to the company, it is possible to use a standard sound or choose famous voices, such as American actress Kristen Bell. On the occasion, Mark Zuckerberg gave a demonstration where AI interacts in a natural way, understanding the user's flow of thought.

In a new beta version released for Android in August, WhatsApp began testing an option that allows the user to choose the Meta AI voice for day-to-day interaction.

In addition to the AI ​​answering questions naturally, the user will also be able to define whether they prefer a male, female or even a more robotic voice. However, the feature is not yet available to all users.

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In addition to choosing the desired voice, the user will also be able to select the option for the AI ​​to continue providing a text response, even if it speaks with voice. The tool is being developed as an accessibility option, as voice interaction can be useful for those with vision difficulties.

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How to change voice in WhatsApp AI

Although the feature is not available to all users, when asked about the possibility of changing Meta AI's voice and using the voice tool, the chatbot provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Check it out:

Time required: 5 minutes

  1. To change the Meta AI voice on WhatsApp:

  2. To change the reading voice:

  3. And finally, when asked if Meta AI has a voice feature, the chatbot explains:

Meta AI: how to change the voice in WhatsApp AI

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Meta AI: how to change the voice in WhatsApp AI

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