Nando Reis and Pitty announce EP in partnership after joint tour
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After opposite paths in their careers, Pitty It is Nando Reis decided to bring their talents together and embarked on an unprecedented adventure with the tour “PittyNando – Yours, mine and ours”, which has been running throughout Brazil. And there's more! This Sunday (20), both announced that after the presentation, a new EP will be released, with a release date scheduled for next Tuesday (29).
The musical novelty encompasses five of the 26 tracks that were played at the duo's shows, and these specific ones were selected by them to be improved in versions recorded in the studios. As a whole, Nando and Pitty will show their classic side to the public, through older songs by both. It was for this reason that they decided to name the EP “Yours, mine and ours”.
The work will give more prominence to two of Reis's successes, “Light of the Eyes” (1996) It is “The Blind Men in the Castle” (1997). On the singer's side, the work highlights “Temporal” (2003) It is “On your shelf” (2005). The fifth song will be one never released before, titled “PittyNando”, composed and produced by the duo.
Video of Pitty and Nando Reis singing “Equalize”. (Reproduction/Youtube).
And on the afternoon of this Monday (21), the Bahian singer used her Twitter to publicize the album cover and its entire artistic concept behind it, and revealed that the inspiration was “The Creation of Adam”, by Michelangelo. Check out what was said below:
“For the cover, I remembered this cut from 'The Creation of Adam', by Michelangelo. Here, proposing a reinterpretation and another symbolism. The hand that creates is not a raised, phallic finger, as in the original painting. And the hand that represents the creation of humanity is a woman's hand. The fingers are placed harmoniously, forming a cyclical figure, heaven and earth. Opposite and complementary poles in a circular figure. It reminds me of equality between female and male”, he said.
At the end of his message, Pitty also asked fans if they liked the news and inspiration. Pitty and Nando Reis already travel all over Brazil in the duo's shows. The two have dates scheduled until February 2023, and the new EP will be released on the 29th.
Featured Photo: Nando Reis and Pitty. Reproduction/Instagram
Nando Reis and Pitty announce EP in partnership after joint tour
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Nando Reis and Pitty announce EP in partnership after joint tour