Police interrupt Wanessa Camargo's Block: Troubled Pre-Carnival!
Wanessa Camargo's 'Xainirô' block, yesterday Sunday (12), in São Paulo, ended 1h30 ahead of schedule. The sudden end of the pre-carnival performance happened after the police indicated that there were irregularities in the electric trio.
Shortly afterwards, the singer used her Instagram profile to clarify the situation and thank everyone who was there, stating that the party was beautiful, even with a “troubled” ending. Then, Wanessa, visibly upset and embarrassed, continued to vent.
“There was confusion, so I want to make a constructive criticism of our country, our state and our city of São Paulo, which idealizes festivals and street blocks. We were in the middle of the Block, with three more guests to participate, a beautiful ending with another story lasting at least 1h30, and the police unfortunately came and we ordered the trio to stop anyway”, lamented Camargo.
Wanessa Camargo explaining the reason for the early closure of the 'Xainirô' block. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
In a second story, Wanessa shared with her followers the police's explanation for the trio's stoppage, which showed irregularities and was unfit for use on the streets. “The reason was that our tire was not ready to go today. Our trio's tire was flat. We ran to change this tire, there was no time. But that same bald tire was allowed to go out yesterday and take the same route”, she stated.
The artist also reinforced that “if We knew and if we had been notified yesterday, we would have had enough time to make the change today and be doing our full show, our full block.”
The 'Xainirô' block promised to excite revelers with a four-hour show, including the special participation of other singers such as: Aretuza Love, Francinne, Johnny Hooker, Lia Clark, Lorena Simpson, Luiza Possi, Pepita, Vitão and dos DJs Breno Barreto and Vitor Zucarelli. The megablock was also made up of a super eclectic musical repertoire, which varied between well-known songs from Wanessa's career and hits by other celebrities.
Featured photo: Wanessa Camargo on top of the electric trio from the 'Xainirô' block. Reproduction/Instagram
Police interrupt Wanessa Camargo's Block: Troubled Pre-Carnival!
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