President of South Korea says he will fight for his position

by James Williams
President of South Korea says he will fight for his

President of South Korea says he will fight for his position
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This Thursday (12), the president of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol — who recently decreed martial law — in a speech, stated that he will not accept a new impeachment process against him and that he will face whatever it takes to prevent this from happening. happen.

The president intends to remain in office

Even in the midst of protests across the country and without the support of parliament, which threatens him with a new impeachment request, the president made it clear that he will not give up his position as easily as many imagined and that, above all, he is willing to fight for him with all his strength.

Understand the case

On the 3rd, the president of South Korea, Yoon Suk-yeol, surprised his country and the international community by declaring martial law, a law that would limit civil rights and restrict power to the State. In a scenario of high levels of rejection among those he governs and, according to him, imminent communist threats against his democratic regime, the South Korean president, in an act of desperation, declared martial law in the country.

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Hours later, after harsh criticism from parliament and countless popular protests, the president ended up reversing his decision and annulling his decree. When justifying himself, he claimed that he acted out of desperation in order to defend his country from the dictatorial regime of its neighbor, North Korea.

The president's confrontations

Regardless of not having continued with the coup attempt and having made a public apology, the president was not spared from facing legal, parliamentary and criminal consequences for his actions. At the time, the opposition initiated impeachment proceedings against him; Yoon Suk-yeol ended up being acquitted after a political maneuver by his party in parliament. Even though he remains in office, the president remains under investigation for the crime of insurrection, which carries a death penalty.

Embed from Getty Images

Protests in South Korea against President Yoon Suk-yeol (Photo: reproduction/Jung Yeon-je/ Getty Images Embed)

With several protests, even under the negative temperatures of the harsh South Korean winter and increasing disapproval from the population and parliament, the president will have a long and delicate battle ahead. He will fight not only to remain president of the country, but, mainly, to defend himself in the criminal sphere for the crime of betrayal of the country and, consequently, his own life.

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Featured photo: South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol (reproduction/ Mauro Pimentel/ Getty Images)

President of South Korea says he will fight for his position

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President of South Korea says he will fight for his position

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