President of the CBF is honest about the possible stoppage of the Brazilian Championship
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Due to the catastrophe with floods in Rio Grande do Sul, Ednaldo Rodrigues, from CBF, mentioned a possible scenario of suspension of the Brazilian Championship
Ednaldo Rodriguespresident of CBFbroke the silence about the chances of a shutdown of the Brazilian championshipthis Friday, 10. The teams from Rio Grande do Sul that compete in Série A (Grêmio, International It is Youth) had their matches postponed by 20 days by the entity due to the floods in the State, but the tournament continues for the other teams, until now.
“In every decision regarding a competition (start, have, suspend, extend, postpone), the CBF will discuss it jointly with the clubs. The power of the CBF is not a supreme and absolute power. It’s a limited power.”, explained Ednaldo. Later this week, Flamengo, Palmeiras It is São Paulo they offered their structures to clubs from Rio Grande do Sul to continue in the Brasileirão.
“In the face of the catastrophe that follows, the request is necessary far beyond football stadiums, training fields, concentrations and the physical location where everyone involved in sport circulates, but for all the people, families and their loved ones who donate at this time in the survival and reconstruction of houses and everything else affected”added the leader.
President of the CBF is honest about the possible stoppage of the Brazilian Championship
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President of the CBF is honest about the possible stoppage of the Brazilian Championship