Severe cases of respiratory diseases in children skyrocket in São Paulo and fill ICUs
Cases of Severe Respiratory Syndrome, in high numbers in children, have worried health authorities in São Paulo. The numbers of hospitalizations have been increasing every day, and in the capital of São Paulo, 84% of pediatric ICU beds have been occupied. By comparison, during the Covid-19 pandemic, beds occupied by adults varied between 80% and 85%.
According to the Municipal Secretariat of São Paulo, 70% of hospitalized patients are babies and children up to 10 years old. There are 124 beds in total in São Paulo, and when asked about a possible increase in the number of these beds, the city hall did not take a position.
The concern is not limited to the capital of São Paulo. The State Department of Health of São Paulo also sees the increase in numbers with apprehension. In the state, 72% of children’s ICU beds are occupied, out of a total of 888 available. In a note, the state secretary of health confirmed that he intends to increase the number of children’s ICU beds in the state, mainly in the cities of Sorocaba, São José do Rio Preto and Campinas. He also stated that “due to the seasonality of respiratory diseases characteristic of this period of the year, it was agreed, together with the municipalities, to expand assistance to the population”.
The autumn-winter period is when the numbers of cold and flu cases tend to increase. Below are some prevention tips.
ICU bed in São Paulo – (Photo: reproduction/Twitter)
How to prevent:
Experts say that to prevent flu and the possible worsening of it, you need to:
– Maintain hand hygiene with alcohol gel or soap and water
– Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth without washing your hands
– Always when coughing or sneezing, put your forearm in your mouth and not your hand
– Maintain well-ventilated environments
– Use of masks when you have flu symptoms.
Another recommendation from health agencies is not to take children to school at the first flu or cold symptom, to prevent the disease from spreading and the consequent spread of the virus.
Featured photo: ICU bed in São Paulo – (Photo: reproduction/Twitter)
Severe cases of respiratory diseases in children skyrocket in São Paulo and fill ICUs
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