Single by Pabllo Vittar “AMEIANOITE” in partnership with Gloria Groove is released on all digital platforms

by Clare Dominic
Single by Pabllo Vittar "AMEIANOITE" in partnership with Gloria Groove

Single by Pabllo Vittar “AMEIANOITE” in partnership with Gloria Groove is released on all digital platforms
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Last Thursday night (20) Pabllo Vittar released his new song “AMEIANOITE” and features the unprecedented partnership of drag singer Gloria Groove, with production by Brabo Music and Ruxell No Beat. The hit was released at 23:59 and brings influences from rave funk and house music, being part of Vittar's new album and arriving on all digital streaming platforms.

Exchange of compliments

During a launch press conference this Thursday (20), Pabllo Vittar praised Gloria Groove. “One of the most incredible and talented artists in Brazil. The expectation of recording with her had been long overdue and now we are holding this meeting like that! We want to see everyone playing (…) I think Gloria is a very plural, wonderful artist. We met at the beginning of our drag lives. I came to São Paulo and in my first production, I met Gloria at a party there”. Gloria Groove also made a point of praising Vittar “It is with great pride and affection that I am part of this great project alongside my sister-friend Pabllo Vittar. 'AMEIANOITE' is a song that symbolizes all the magic that exists within us while celebrating femininity.”.

Horror movie themed clip

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At the press conference, Pabllo Vittar explained why the launch was in October and why the theme “We wanted to bring this moment from Halloween, which is a very important time for Glória. Because it was a turning point in her life, after 'The Fall'” The singer also added that it is also special for her due to her birthday and said that to arrive at the future video the two put down all their horror references on paper. “It took three days of recording, three nights… It was very enjoyable because we played at making a film. The clip is actually a film”. Vittar also said that after seeing the clip he didn't want anything to be changed. “Guys, that's it, it doesn't change anything”.

New album with changes

During the press conference, the singer revealed that her fifth album, still without a release date, underwent changes after a moment in her life. “I wasn't very well months ago and when I started working on this album, something touched me that wasn't me, it was supposed to be something more critical, because I was sad”. Pabllo Vittar explained that after improving, he decided to completely change to something more happy and dancing. “It was super forward, super upbeat, with songs to dance to and that makes me so happy to know that I'm back, that Pabllo is back”. Completed the singer.

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Featured photo: Pabllo Vittar and Gloria Groove. Reproduction/Instagram

Single by Pabllo Vittar “AMEIANOITE” in partnership with Gloria Groove is released on all digital platforms

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Single by Pabllo Vittar “AMEIANOITE” in partnership with Gloria Groove is released on all digital platforms

The First Song Certified 10x Platinum in the UK

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