specialist exposes the risks of generalized recommendations on the internet and defends individualized care for weight loss

by stephen Douglas
specialist exposes the risks of generalized recommendations on the internet

specialist exposes the risks of generalized recommendations on the internet and defends individualized care for weight loss
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Generalized diets, which have gained prominence on social media and in health discussions, are standardized eating plans that meet the nutritional needs of a wide audience. Unlike personalized diets, which consider individual characteristics such as family history and allergies, generalized diets are based on general nutrition guidelines. According to Dr. Thiago Volpi, nutritionist, creator of Espaço Volpi, one of the most renowned in São Paulo, explains that widespread diets, such as Mediterranean, low carb and vegetarian, offer proven benefits for the health of most people, however, they do not consider individual peculiarities that may influence effectiveness.

Among the most common diets, Volpi highlights four types: Mediterranean, which stands out for its focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, associated with a reduced risk of heart disease; low carb, which limits carbohydrate intake, being effective for weight loss and controlling type 2 diabetes; vegetarian, which excludes meat and fish; and vegan, promoting a plant-based diet.

While these diets have benefits, they may not work for everyone. “A person who has very high insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and starts following a vegetarian diet, for example, which involves eating a lot of carbohydrates and grains, may experience worsening insulin resistance. ”warns Volpi.

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Another classic example cited by Volpi is the famous low carb diet. “This diet recommends reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing saturated fat consumption. However, this is not always ideal because, when we increase our consumption of saturated fat, we can have an increase in LDL cholesterol and this can increase heart risk.”highlights the doctor. While diets like the Mediterranean are healthy in the long term, customization can maximize the benefits. “Often, by not personalizing, you may not reach the full health potential that a proper diet could offer”emphasizes the nutritionist.

In addition to not bringing all the benefits that a tailored diet can bring, with the influence of social media, myths about food began to emerge. “A common myth that has emerged is the belief that one diet is perfect for everyone. However, they forget that it is crucial to understand that there is no perfect diet for everyone and what works for one person may not work for another.”reinforces the specialist. Furthermore, Volpi highlights that, with the wrong instructions, people can become “carbophobic”, a situation in which the individual begins to feel afraid of eating carbohydrates because they think they will gain weight, or the idea may arise that people who follow a vegan diet always have nutritional deficiencies or that they will have less muscle mass.

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For those looking for a more individualized approach, Volpi recommends consultation, guidance and monitoring from a qualified specialist, to learn about the individual's specific characteristics, such as family history, food allergies and genetic testing. “Blood tests and a detailed clinical assessment can help adapt generalized diets to each person’s specific needs, ensuring that all necessary nutrients are adequately consumed”concludes Volpi.

Thiago Volpi (Photo: reproduction/disclosure)

About Thiago Volpi

A jiu-jitsu teacher who graduated in medicine, Dr. Thiago Volpi founded Espaço Volpi in 2007, becoming one of the most renowned spaces in São Paulo, with nutrition and dermatology clinics, serving around 600 and 800 patients per month, with a team made up of six nutritionists and two dermatologists. Currently, it invests in awakening and improving doctors' skills to undertake and earn money from medicine.

Featured photo: Thiago Volpi (reproduction/disclosure)

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specialist exposes the risks of generalized recommendations on the internet and defends individualized care for weight loss

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specialist exposes the risks of generalized recommendations on the internet and defends individualized care for weight loss

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