the importance of both elements for the skincare routine
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Lately, skincare has become a daily routine for many people. With the diversity of products available on the market, we must also be aware of what can be harmful to our skin. Dermatologists Ingrid Campos and Laís Rios explained to Vogue about vitamin C and retinol, the importance of following the correct order of products, how to avoid skin irritation and combining elements.
Found in foods of animal origin, such as egg yolks, milk and their derivatives, retinol is a form of vitamin A, which helps rejuvenate the skin and helps treat acne and wrinkles.
Vitamin C
Laís Rios says that, in addition to vitamin C improving skin firmness and reducing blemishes, it is also important for preventing skin cell damage and stimulating collagen production. This vitamin also acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from damage caused by sun exposure and pollution.
In the video below, dermatologist Marina Hayashida talks about the importance and care of using vitamin C.
Marina Hayashida talks about precautions when using vitamin C (Video: reproduction/YouTube/Dr. Marina Hayashida)
How to use them in skin care
Ingrid Campos explains that, together, vitamin C and retinol can be great allies for young, healthy skin. However, the use of both assets must be done with care. According to the dermatologist, inappropriate use can cause irritation and even peeling of the skin, especially in more sensitive skin.
The best option is to use the assets at different times of the day. Vitamin C should be used in the morning, along with sunscreen. Retinol should be applied at night, as it can leave the skin sensitive if exposed to the sun after application. Vitamin C can also be applied at night just before retinol. In the morning, it is advisable to wash your face to avoid residues of the active ingredient, reducing problems when coming into contact with the sun.
Ingrid Campos advises that, if you intend to use the active ingredients, start with one at a time, letting your skin adapt to vitamin C first, and then introducing retinol into your skincare. In addition to avoiding sensitive areas such as around the mouth and nose, it is important to use moisturizers after applying retinol to avoid irritation or dry skin.
Consult an expert
It is advisable to always consult a dermatologist before using active ingredients and vitamins in your skincare, to ensure that you are using the right products for your skin type, avoiding dryness and injuries that can be avoided.
Featured photo: model applying skincare product (Reproduction/Kalos Skincare/Unsplash)
the importance of both elements for the skincare routine
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the importance of both elements for the skincare routine