The Magical World – The cute game

by stephen Douglas
The Magical World – The cute game

The Magical World – The cute game
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Get ready, bro, because October 15, 2024 is going to be crazy! Nikoderiko: The Magical World is coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, and if you think it's just another colorful platform game, you're very wrong. This game will make you work harder than trying to get an S Rank in Cuphead. And the best part? You can invite your friends over to play on the couch, local coop style, like Smash Bros after a good laugh.

THE Nikoderiko It's one of those games that looks like it came out of a psychedelic art painting, but in reality, the game is much more strategic than you might think. You control Niko, a mischievous mongoose (!) who goes on a crazy journey through the seven worlds to save an island and its gang from the evil of the Cobring Gem Company. It's like Sonic if he had to face Bowser after invading Mario's kingdom. And of course, like any good platform game that respects the rules of the hood, the villains have company names and the hero is that nobody who will save the party – just like in any good 80s movie.


The deal is as follows: Niko and his partner, Lunathey find a relic on a magical island, but then comes the scoundrel Grimbaldthat guy who's the CEO of Cobring, and steals the show right away. Like the story of every RPG, you know? They now have to cross seven different worlds, taming some crazy creatures that work both as mounts and weapons, while facing everything from giant bosses to mine cart levels – that classic that can never be missed, right?

But the coolest thing, man, is that this game is full of references that will remind you of the old days of SNES and Sega Genesis. With the soundtrack created by David Wisethe same guy who brought those catchy little songs from Donkey Kong Country and Battletoadsyou already know it's going to be a hit in the hood. The guy's music is like the beat that plays when you're going to a crazy party and you know it's going to be bad, but at the same time you're enjoying it.

But hey, don't think the game is easy just because it's colorful. This “family game” thing can be deceiving, because just like the classics Donkey Kong Country and Crash Bandicootthe challenge is there, waiting for you in the last boss or in that millimeter jump that if you miss, it's over. You'll sweat more than in the last boss of Cupheadwhere every frame matters. And bro, remember when the Crash had to run from giant rocks? Here it's like that, but with a whole magical vibe. Oh, and there are also underwater stages, because, you know, a classic platformer can't be without that level where you're underwater and the mechanics change completely, just to make you even more excited.

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Now, check it out, this game has a production that is not just any old thing. The studio VEA Games and the publisher Knights Peak are betting big, launching the game simultaneously on the new generation consoles, for about 30 dollars. And detail, the guys promise a high quality experience on both Switch as in monsters like PS5 and Xbox Series X. That's right, no sly downgrade just because Nintendo likes to be “cute”. Nikoderiko will shine anywhere, like that friend who always does well in Mario Kartregardless of the console.

Now, to wrap things up, let's talk about that cliché that never dies: the game's story, because if there's one thing that platforms love, it's a “save the world from the evil corporation” lore. So let's go: Niko and Luna, two casual adventurers, get into trouble when they find a lost relic. Of course, the corporate-boy villain Grimbald steals the piece and now they have to travel through seven worlds to solve this mess. This is like the 2024 version of “save the princess”, but instead of rescuing a mine, you save an entire island from being exploited by a multinational company. Zelda would be proud. Want more hero vs. evil corporation vibes? Only if the Sephiroth appeared with his sword in the middle of the story.

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Nikoderiko is coming to make some noise, and if you enjoy old-school gaming, this game will definitely remind you of the good old days. Get ready to ride flaming eagles and run through magical worlds while making that millimeter jump in the middle of an insane chase. And, of course, invite your friends to enjoy it with you, because on the couch, the game is more fun.

The Magical World – The cute game

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The Magical World – The cute game

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