Tília attends album launch show in Rio de Janeiro
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The singer Tilia performed this Friday, (13/05), the first show to launch her work, as she recently debuted her album, called '2003'. The presentation took place at the Vitrinni party house in Barra da Tijuca and filled the space with the Rio public. At the beginning of this week she heads to São Paulo, where she will perform another show on May 17th, at Vitrinni in Itaim Bibi.
Tília at her show in Rio de Janeiro. (Photo: Reproduction/Mateus Montoni)
Anxious and grateful for the opportunity, Tília, thrilled, spared no effort when talking about the presentations on her social networks: “This is another one of my privileges: having an album release show at Vitrinni! Let's talk about the people who helped me get here and how happy and grateful I am to perform there? This is the place where I literally feel at home and the contractors have known me since I was a child..” admitted the singer.
Tília’s packed show. (Photo: Reproduction/Mateus Montoni)
“Now you must be imagining that you're booking my shows because my parents asked, right? The contractors took a long time before I proved that it could be worth hiring me or that my show could please the public… And today, I have a schedule of shows thanks to them, who trust and believe in me and my potential. In this case, I want to especially thank the entire family and everyone involved, thank you for so much. Team, mother, father, followers, thank you for all the support and affection always. I have privileges, but what I love most about this is the privilege of having you with me.” It ends and thanks the artist in a post on Instagram.
At the event, which was attended by artists Giulia Buscacio, Giulia Dantas, Gustax, Lucas Vrau, the new pop bet presented the new single “Roubando a Cena” feat. Kevin O Chris and Dennis, in addition to singing to the public, for the first time, other tracks from their first studio album.
Featured Photo: Tília. Reproduction/Matthew Montoni.
Tília attends album launch show in Rio de Janeiro
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Tília attends album launch show in Rio de Janeiro