Tips to prevent heartburn during pregnancy
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Tips to prevent heartburn during pregnancy
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Acid Reflux During Pregnancy
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In the first three months, your body produces the hormone progesterone, which can cause the muscle that closes your stomach to relax, resulting in acid reflux. In the second and third trimester, the increased pressure in your abdominal cavity causes stomach acid to flow into your esophagus. Fortunately, there are things you can do.
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What should you not eat?
Fatty and fried foods: Eating fatty foods causes more stomach acid to be produced, and also slows down digestion, which means the acid stays in your stomach longer. Eat light meals spread out over the day.
Coffee, tea and energizing drinks: Caffeine and theine can cause the sphincter that separates your esophagus from your stomach to relax, making it easier for stomach acid to rise.
Please note: Milk chocolate contains not only fats, but also caffeine, so it is best to avoid that bar in any case.
Carbonated beverages: Carbonated drinks can make you feel bloated and they also impact the functioning of the sphincter muscle.
Citrus fruits: The acid in citrus fruits can help with morning sickness, but unfortunately that acid also ends up in your stomach…
What to do about reflux?
Also read: Importance of the pelvic floor: 'Half of pregnant women suffer from urinary incontinence'
Tips to prevent heartburn during pregnancy
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Tips to prevent heartburn during pregnancy