Understand what psoriasis is, a disease that affects Beyoncé's scalp

by stephen Douglas
Understand what psoriasis is, a disease that affects Beyoncé's scalp

Understand what psoriasis is, a disease that affects Beyoncé's scalp

Singer Beyoncé surprised the public by sharing in an interview with “Essence” magazine, published this Sunday (18), that she was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis. This dermatological condition, which affects millions of people around the world, is known for its manifestations on the skin, such as plaques and red lesions. The global star, who is launching a hair care line called Cécred, opened up about the importance of hair in her life, describing intimate moments of her relationship with her father, who used to apply oil to his scalp to treat psoriasis.

What is psoriasis and its effects

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, psoriasis is a common, chronic and non-contagious disease. It is characterized by an auto-inflammatory condition that results in the appearance of scaly lesions on the skin. These lesions can appear on different parts of the body, including elbows, knees, scalp and sacral region. The exact causes of psoriasis are not yet fully understood, but genetic, immunological and environmental factors play a significant role in its development.

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Example of psoriasis on the skin (Photo: reproduction/Freepik)

Manifestations and triggers of psoriasis

Psoriasis can manifest itself in several ways, the most common being the plaque form, characterized by reddish patches covered by silvery-white scales. Furthermore, other types of psoriasis may occur, such as the guttate, pustular and erythrodermic forms, each with its distinct characteristics. In addition to genetic predisposition, several factors can trigger or worsen the symptoms of psoriasis, including infections, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, certain medications and conditions such as high cholesterol and hypertension.

Treatment options and support for patients

Although psoriasis has no cure, there are several treatment options available to help manage symptoms and improve patients' quality of life. These include topical, oral, injectable medications, and light therapies such as phototherapy. It is essential that patients seek appropriate medical advice from dermatologists to find the treatment plan best suited to their individual needs. Additionally, emotional support and awareness about psoriasis plays a crucial role in the journey of those living with the condition, helping to combat stigma and promote public understanding.

Artists who also face psoriasis

Beyoncé is not alone in her fight against psoriasis. Other artists have also shared their experiences with the disease, further increasing awareness of this topic. Singer Kelly Key, for example, showed off her psoriasis on her Instagram profile, describing the emotional challenges she faced during her journey. Singer Xand Avião also shared his own battle with psoriasis, highlighting the difficult times he faced even before the Covid-19 pandemic. These inspiring stories help break the stigma surrounding psoriasis and show that even famous people face health challenges.

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Featured photo: Beyoncé promoting her new single (Reproduction/Instagram/@beyonce)Â

Understand what psoriasis is, a disease that affects Beyoncé's scalp

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