Wanessa Camargo talks about reconciliation with Dado Dolabella
Wanessa, daughter of country singer Zezé, was present on Super Poc, a program led by Samira Close, this Friday (14th) and spoke about the return of her relationship with actor Dado Dolabella, as well as past relationships with other famous people.
During the conversation, the singer openly declared: “I've been dating for almost 2 years. This reunion, we call it the second season. It's crazy, you date the person, 18 years pass, you meet the person again and it's the same person, but it's not the same person”he emphasized.
Resuming the relationship
The artist argues that the couple has been together for two years, and that the reunion was casual, unpretentious when they were both walking down the street, without even imagining that from there the desire for a new involvement would be born, however, the unlikely ended up happening.
Comings and goings with Dado Dolabella
The couple met while recording the singer's music video, entitled “O Amor Não Deixa”, around 20 years ago. At the time, Wanessa (18) and Dado (20) maintained a turbulent relationship, sealing their separation in 2004.
About the relationship, he said at the time: “After I turned 16, all the boyfriends I had took advantage of me. They played their role as the desired good guy and I was the poor thing they loved”. In 2007, she walked down the aisle with Espírito Santo businessman Marcus Buaiz, divorcing in 2022. From the relationship, they had two sons, José Marcus (12) and João Francisco (9).
Wanessa poses for her fans on her social media profile (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@wanessa)
The reunion with Dado
After two decades apart, the couple got closer and Wanessa was one of the participants on BBB 24. The singer didn't last long on the attraction and with her elimination from the global program she also put an end, once again, to her relationship with the actor.
At the time, in an interview, he declared that it was time to focus on family and professional issues. At that moment, the artist said: “I still have the feeling, of course, but I need to love and embrace myself first now”in an interview with Programa Fantástico
Wanessa during a show in São Paulo (Photo: reproduction/Mauricio Santana/Getty images)
The singer's view of romance
To Super Poc, Wanessa reaffirms that she did not feel the weight of the temporary breakup, which was so speculated by the media, with her lover after BBB 24 and considers this phase of her love life as a new opportunity, a second season in the romantic trajectory of couple.
Relationships with other artists
Wanessa also recalled youthful relationships, such as when she got involved with vocalist Leandro, from Banda KLB and a quick flirtation with Rio singer and 2000s sensation, Felipe Dylon.
Regarding her romance with Leandro, back in 2000, and now married to model Natália Guimarães, Wanessa states that at the time, she was only 15 years old when she started dating, but it didn't last for long.
Featured Photo: Wanessa and Dado Dolabella (Reproduction/Instagram/@wanessa)
Wanessa Camargo talks about reconciliation with Dado Dolabella
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