Watch the Young Rock Trailer

by Xavier Catherine
Watch the Young Rock Trailer

Watch the Young Rock Trailer
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The new trailer for Young Rock caught viewers' attention by showing Dwayne Johnson running for president in 2032. The actor's new series promises to tell a little more about his life story through flashbacks and in a comical way.

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Even though he caught the attention of fans when he appeared to be running for president, Dwayne has publicly flirted with the idea several times, most recently in 2019, when he said it wasn't the right time. In the trailer, the actor appears giving interviews about his candidacy.

The Rock is currently one of the highest-paid and most popular celebrities in Hollywood. However, the artist claims that life is much more than that. In his new project that premieres on NBC on February 16, Dwayne will bring a narrative very focused on his youth.There is so much more I have to share with the world”, said the actor.

In the series, the star is played by three other actors, representing him at the ages of 10, 15 and 18, being Adrian Groulx, Bradley Constant and Uli Latukefu, respectively. This part of the cast will be responsible for portraying The Rock's childhood, until his rise as an American football athlete at the University of Miami.

Young Rock Trailer (Video: Reproduction/ YouTube)

The film begins with the protagonist growing up in Hawaii as the son of fighter Rocky Johnson and later moves to the era that Johnson characterized as “the years when I was the star of getting arrested all the time”, when the actor lived in thirteen different states at just thirteen years old. “At 18, I remember being very determined to make something of myself. That was very important to me.”, he continued.

Completing the main cast, the series will also feature the presence of Joseph Lee Anderson (Rocky Johnson), as the protagonist's father, Stacey Leilua (Ata Johnson), as the mother, and Ana Tuisla (Lia Maivia), as the grandmother.

A creation of Nahnatchka Khan, from My Eternal Maybe and American Dad, Young Rock will tell the story of The Rock in 11 episodes, in the first season, and will have the actor as executive producer.

(Featured Photo: Dwayne Johnson. Reproduction/ Instagram)

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Watch the Young Rock Trailer

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