Zilu Godoi wins victory in court against Zezé's brother

by Clare Dominic
Zilu Godoi wins victory in court against Zezé's brother

Zilu Godoi wins victory in court against Zezé's brother

Family disagreements take on a new chapter in the Camargo family. This time, the focus is the legal dispute between Zilu Godoi, mother of Wanessa Camargo, and Welington Camargo, brother of Zezé Di Camargo.

The controversy boiling over on social media is now finding a verdict in the courts.

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Zilu's Victory: Justice in His Favor

Zilu Godoi, known for her digital influence and for being the mother of artist Wanessa Camargo, celebrated a significant victory in court against Welington Camargo. The dispute, which has roots in mutual accusations and the exchange of virtual barbs, culminated in the court decision that forces Welington to remove offensive posts about Zilu, under penalty of a fine.

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Disagreements in focus

Zezé Di Camargo's family seems to have no respite when it comes to controversies. In recent years, Zilu and Welington have stood out for their heated arguments on social media.

In a recent episode, Zilu declared that he would not spend Christmas in Brazil due to a family dispute linked to fake profiles on the internet, an accusation that quickly heated up the atmosphere between the former brothers-in-law.

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Welington was quick to respond, calling Zilu a “liar” and bringing up heavy accusations, including a situation where he alleges that Zilu had behaved disrespectfully towards his own son.

These exchanges of accusations were the trigger for the legal action filed by Zilu, alleging damage to his honor and image.

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Wounded honor and the court decision

The heart of the dispute appears to lie in the issue of honor and public image, especially for Zilu Godoi, who found herself motivated to defend her reputation through legal means.

The influencer, who has already shared her life with Zezé Di Camargo, mother of Wanessa and the couple's other children, argued in the process the seriousness of the accusations made by Welington, especially considering his position as a public figure.

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The court, alongside Zilu, now imposes on Welington the obligation to remove posts considered offensive, marking a point for the influencer in this family dispute.

With the public's eyes on this celebrity family, especially with Wanessa on BBB 24, the Camargos' family dynamics continue to be a subject of great interest and speculation.

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Esther Rocha

Creator of the Afrilatest website, in 2000 she continued as CEO and Content Director of the website. Graduated in journalism from Faculdade Casper Líbero, since the 1980s she has worked in the area of ​​entertainment journalism. Passionate about soap operas, series, reality, cinema and the lifestyle of celebrities.

Zilu Godoi wins victory in court against Zezé's brother

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