3 things that shorten the lifespan of your TV

by James Williams
3 things that shorten the lifespan of your TV

3 things that shorten the lifespan of your TV
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Decades ago, television became one of the main means of obtaining information and entertainment, but it was never really communicated to people about the right way to take care of electronics. This is because there are a series of behaviors that can harm the equipment and considerably reduce its useful life.

Next, find out what these bad behaviors are and what strategies you should implement to ensure that your TV lasts for many years to come.

Accumulated dust

Although it is an obvious detail, it is still almost always ignored by most people. Despite this, it is important to say that the accumulation of dust and other debris is very harmful to the television, either because it damages cable connection ports or because it enters the chassis and accumulates inside.

Scene from Donnie Darko, available on Samsung TV Plus, on Samsung TV
Large television in the living room (Image: Disclosure/Samsung)

Another complicating factor is that dust can also act as a cover, blocking the device's air vents: this fact influences the peripheral's overheating, which can temporarily or permanently damage the hardware system.

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Other problems can occur with the speakers and the TV screen: excess dust reduces the operating quality of both regions, compromising the user experience.

Frequent and excessive heat

As we said in the previous topic, overheating is an event that also demonstrates the ability to reduce the useful life of the electronic device. This is because it not only harms the efficiency of hardware and software systems, but can burn, for example, parts such as capacitors, resistors, circuits and much more.

Therefore, it is best to carry out daily maintenance on the television to prevent dust from accumulating in the air vents. Furthermore, avoid placing the television in front of the window or in environments that receive direct sunlight or that are too hot. It may also be useful not to expose the television to open air environments (while it is daylight), unplug the socket when not in use and not use the brightness at maximum intensity.

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Cleaning done incorrectly

Keeping your television clean is very important, but it's no use if you don't know how to clean it. The first tip is to avoid chemical products such as detergents, as they can damage the television material (whether the screen or the chassis) and create stains. Then, avoid using paper towels or common cloths, as these contain very abrasive surfaces that cause scratches.

image shows a woman cleaning a television
Woman cleaning a television (Reproduction: MiraA'melia website)

The best thing to do is to use a dry cloth, more specifically a microfiber flannel. If there are no stains, just the cloth should do the trick; otherwise, try applying a specific screen cleaning solution or isopropyl alcohol. As for the air vents and connection ports: use microfiber cloth or compressed air, but always in a way to prevent dust from entering the television.

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3 things that shorten the lifespan of your TV

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3 things that shorten the lifespan of your TV

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