Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes see if they can divide things among themselves

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Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes hope to still come to an agreement about dividing their stuff. The two appeared Monday in court in the case about the items. The judge wants to know on November 30 whether this has succeeded. If not, a final ruling will follow on January 4.

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

Vaes had filed the case because, among other things, she no longer has some watches that Jorik Scholten, as the rapper is really called, would have given her.

In the courtroom it became clear that there is disagreement about whether the expensive watches were gifts and if so, for whom. For example, Vaes stated that she had received a watch from Scholten shortly after the birth of their son. The rapper, in turn, claimed that it was a gift for his son and not for his ex.

It concerns a total of three watches that have been handed over at different times. A watch that Vaes received on her birthday in 2018 is, according to both, no longer in their possession.

The wrangling wasn’t just about watches. Other items, such as toasters, PlayStation 5 game consoles, shoes and a Louis Vuitton bag were also discussed.

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For example, Vaes claimed to have taken a number of kitchen utensils from Scholten’s house, because she would have obtained them through a sponsorship deal. The rapper claimed that those items were purchased through his company.

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

OM still investigating mistreatment of Vaes

Lil Kleine’s lawyer claimed that Vaes had been “shopping” with her “grasping hands” in the rapper’s house. In addition, she would have left the house destroyed. For example, there would have been burn marks in a bank and there was a note with “Go fuck yourself” with a knife next to it. Vaes’ lawyer disputes these claims.

Whether the two come out among themselves remains to be seen. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) is still investigating the mistreatment of Vaes by Scholten. Vaes filed a complaint against her ex earlier this year.

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Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

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