Group of tourists surprised by erupting volcano in Russia
A group of tourists was surprised during a trip in Russia when a volcano erupted last Tuesday (11).
Pyotr Kirinkin It is Christina Kurochkina were traveling with a group of scientists to see the bezymianny volcanoin the extreme east of the Kamcharka region, when they were surprised by the eruption of the volcano.
Tourist group is surprised by volcano. Playback/youtube
In the video released by the two tourists, it is possible to see the group fleeing with their motorcycles and sleds, while a large gray and black smoke tries to reach them. After a while they stop and protect themselves from the smoke using sleds and other equipment.
Pyotr Kirinkin told the Reuters that, according to some scientists, the group was lucky in the incident. This is because the phenomenon did not occur “pyroclastic flow”, where instead of lava, the volcano expels a mixture of hot gas, volcanic matter, ash and rock fragments, which can be faster than a moving car.
However, before the pyroclastic flow reached the group, they could be hit by a hot gray cloud, which could be deadly.
Earlier this week, another volcano erupted, Shiveluch, covered nearby villages in volcanic ash and caused aviation alerts. Shiveluch is located 100 kilometers away from Bezymianny.
According to Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Shiveluch erupted after midnight on Tuesday (11), reaching its peak six hours later. His ashes reached a distance of 108 thousand square meters. The depth of the accumulation reached 8.5 cm, the highest number in 60 years.
The Kamacharka region also experienced, 24 hours after the Shiveluch eruption, an earthquake of magnitude 5.8. However, according to scientists, this earthquake is a consequence of another earthquake at the beginning of April.
Authorities guarantee that there were no casualties after the eruptions.
Featured photo: group of tourists fleeing volcano. Playback/youtube
Group of tourists surprised by erupting volcano in Russia
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