Check out some tips from the dermatologist for a perfect skincare
Skin care beyond essentialit is also by healthafter all, doing small care rituals like passing sunscreendramatically decreases the chances of having cancer of skin. However, for some people, this attention to the skin goes beyond just sunscreen, but a real process of self-care, performing skincare (or skin care). So, how to do skincare correctly and what is the best routine to carry out the procedures in the morning and/or at night? To answer some of these questions about self-care, the dermatologist Juliana Piquettalked to the site L’OFFICEL Brazil and clarified some doubts.
Skincare morning and night.
Questioned about the steps of a skincare in the morning and at night and what to do, the dermatologist answered that the first step of all, starts with the skin cleaningwith specific soaps for the face. “At night we need to remove pollution residues, make-up, solar filter, oiliness, so it may be necessary to supplement with a micellar or make-up remover solution.” she went on to explain the process for the day: “In the morning, I always try to include a good antioxidant before applying the sunscreen. The idea is to focus on protection in the morning, as during the day we are exposed to various environmental aggressors, especially ultraviolet rays.” During the day our skin is exposed to various factors of pollution and sun, at night it is important to use acids that renew the skin, such as retinoic, mandelic.
Model moisturizing her face. (Photo: reproduction/Pinterest)
different types of skins – The dermatologist also pointed out that the skincare routine changes to every skin type, whether oily, acneic, dry, stained. Therefore, it is important to seek help from a professional.
What are the main assets for good skincare? – “The most indispensable is always the use of sunscreen. A good antioxidant (ideally in rotation), a retinoid or alpha hydroxy acid (glycolic is one of them) and hydration.”
most common mistake – The dermatologist pointed out that the most common mistake people make is not using sunscreen.
It is important to take care of your skin by using sunscreen since you were a child when you have exposure to the sun and a routine more intense after the age of 20. Seek help from a professional of the area, after all, we have our particularities and our skin too.
Featured Photo: Model performing her Skincare routine.(Photo: reproduction/Pinterest)
Check out some tips from the dermatologist for a perfect skincare
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