Go in Faith: Lulu Santos arrives by mistake in Lumiar and Lui takes advantage
Dora’s health (Claudia Ohana) is more and more committed every day and everyone at the Refuge goes to great lengths to please her. For Lui (Jose Loreto), the mother of Lumiar (Caroline Dieckmann) asked for an unforgettable show and the singer is thinking about how to surprise her, since Dora made a demand: she wants an unforgettable moment.
At the Refuge, everyone is excited about the news, except Wilma (Renata Sorrah), who worries about the star overshadowing his participation in the show. It will be a great night and Fabio’s wife (Ze Carlos Machado) asks Lumiar to invite Guiga (Mayan honey) and Ben (Samuel of Assisi) for this farewell celebration.
The family worries about Dora’s failing health, but she insists on attending the show. In the audience, everyone is enchanted watching Wilma and Fábio recite poems and with Lui and Lumiar singing together.
The most anticipated name of the night, Lulu Santos takes the stage at Refúgio and emotion takes over. Lui’s idol surprises him with a request to sing one of Lulu’s greatest hits together. It’s the day that Lui dreamed of so much.
Theo and Érika have fun with Sol’s despair. Kate has an idea to help Sol disperse the haters. Lucas finishes editing the film’s script. Dora refuses to leave the film set.
Ben proposes to Sol in front of the whole family. Érika thinks about how to help Theo end Sol’s happiness. Everyone is moved by Dora. Kate believes that Theo continues to pursue Sol.
Dora charges her show to Lui. Clara has a crisis due to the lack of money, and Rafa is furious with Theo. Hugo confronts Eduardo. Kate convinces Rafa to go along with her idea against Theo.
Dora doesn’t like Lui’s suggestion for her show. Kate and Rafa arrive at Eduardo and Jenifer’s bonfire. Lulu Santos appears at Refúgio, and Lui invites him to perform at Dora’s show.
“Vai Na Fé” is a TV Globo soap opera written by Rosane Svartman, with the collaboration of Mário Viana, Renata Sofia, Fabrício Santiago and Sabrina Rosa, directed by Isabella Teixeira. Juh Almeida, Augusto Lana and Matheus Senra, with general direction by Cristiano Marques and artistic direction by Paulo Silvestrini.
Go in Faith: Lulu Santos arrives by mistake in Lumiar and Lui takes advantage
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