Ex-BBB Jessi and girlfriend adopt abandoned mascot
The ex-BBB Jessilane Alves and his girlfriend, the producer Ste Frick, have just adopted a stray dog. They found the animal in Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás, during a recent trip.
In a note sent to the press, Jessi told about the adoption: “We found Baru in Cavalcante Goiás, close to the house where we were staying. He was very skinny and had a lot of fleas. We asked the people in the area and they said that he had appeared there a little over a month ago, but that there was no one to take care of him. We started feeding him and he became more affectionate, calm and peaceful. We decided to bring him to SP to live with us. We chose the name Baru, which is a plant native to the cerrado, so he can remember where he came from.”
Ex-BBB Jessi and girlfriend adopt abandoned mascot
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