Square Enix Says Final Fantasy XVI Sales Were “Extremely Solid”

Square Enix declared that sales of Final Fantasy XVI were “extremely solid”, telling the IGN that the game sold relatively well, given the PS5’s installed base.
Exclusive to PS5, the game sold more than three million copies in its launch week, a number that raised doubts online about whether that was enough to have achieved Square Enix’s sales targets, which are usually quite high.
Final Fantasy VII Remake sold 3.5 million copies when it came out on PS4 in 2020, but the console’s installed base was considerably larger at the time than the PS5’s is today. Final Fantasy XV sold five million copies as of November 2016, but it came out on both PS4 and Xbox One.
“With 38 million PS5s sold worldwide (as of March 31, 2023), sales of Final Fantasy XVI have surpassed three million units worldwide, several days after its launch on June 22, 2023,” said Square Enix.
“Square Enix considers Final Fantasy XVI’s initial sales results to be extremely solid, and we will continue to undertake a wide range of initiatives to encourage even more people to play the game.”
Sources at IGN who are familiar with the matter said that the game’s sales had slowed considerably since launch, but that the game was still not being considered the disaster that some claim. One of the sources pointed to producer Naoki Yoshida’s recent comments regarding DLCs, and consequently more investment in the game, as a key factor that Final Fantasy XVI still has room to sell more.
Square Enix Says Final Fantasy XVI Sales Were “Extremely Solid”
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