The 5 Most Popular Musical Genres in Brazil.

by Clare Dominic
The 5 Most Popular Musical Genres in Brazil

The 5 Most Popular Musical Genres in Brazil.
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It took a while, but it arrived! It's not a weekend or a holiday, but the Top5daLorena This week is on air. Last week we felt the Halloween mood and released the five most terrifying songs. However, today we have something “lighter” to present, with content without scares and devilish phrases.

Present in our days, It cannot be denied that radio and audio channels still have a great impact on our lives, whether on the internet, on the street or even with the loud music from our neighbor, bombarding our ears from all sides. In it, you can find different styles. From the most famous international hits to the national hits that stick in people's heads, the radio medium continues to be important in busy everyday life. So, you can do that cleaning at home while listening to your favorite song.

With this in mind, here we have separated the five main genres that are successful on radio in Brazil. It is worth noting that the data are from Kantar Ibope Media in partnership with CROWLEY, in research carried out in December 2017. In the survey, around 127 billion individual sound impacts were recorded. In other words, every time you tuned into a radio vehicle, it was registered as an impact. That said, we have put together a special list. And it has something for all tastes: from rock guitar solos to the “crying” of the country music accordion. Let's go!

Read more: Top5daLorena: the most terrifying songs for Halloween

5 – Rock

With 7% of the 127 billion individual sound impacts, fifth place on our list goes to rock. Being a musical genre that is successful worldwide, it gives rhythm to the lifestyles of thousands of people. Whether in the way of dressing, behaving and even in the formation of ideas and social standards, rock is an important fragment of our society. You don't have to go far to realize that Linkin Park, Nirvana, Metallica and so many other artists shaped and influenced young people and adults for decades and decades.

In addition to the space for international artists, national artists also have a lot of strength in the music market, such as Legião Urbana, Capital Inicial and many others. Even more, some radio outlets such as JB FM and Rádio Cidade tend to give more space to this genre, mainly because they have a consumer who fits this musical taste.

Linkin Park is one of the most listened to rock bands on the radio in Brazil. (Photo: Reproduction/James Minchin)

4 – Gospel

With a specific audience, which has established standards of living based on beliefs, the gospel genre is one of the most listened to in the country, with an 8% impact. Thus, there were around 9 billion times that a song of this style was heard at least once. According to data from 2017, in a study by demographer José Eustáquio Alves, retired professor from the IBGE National School of Statistical Sciences, there are around 22 million evangelicals in Brazil.

Furthermore, in this same survey, he says that from 2032 Protestantism will have around 90 million followers, becoming the religion with the most followers in the country.

Therefore, with a huge audience and so much potential for consumption, the style has a lot of strength on the radio. Currently, one of the vehicles with the largest audience in Brazil is Melodia FM, from Rio de Janeiro, where former federal deputy Eduardo Cunha was once a radio presenter. As very influential singers, we can mention: Aline Barros, Fernanda Brum, Regis Danese, Cassiane, Fernandinho, etc.

Aline Barros is the best-known gospel singer in Brazil. (Photo: Reproduction/TV Globo)

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3 – Pagoda

With 9%, pagode appears in third position in the Top5daLorena. Widely played on radio outlets such as Mix FM, FM O Dia, Rádio Gazeta FM, etc., this musical genre is an active part of the lives of people in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, mainly. However, the good “pagodinho” is gaining strength every day throughout Brazil, and cannot be missed in the bar or at those meetings with a family barbecue.

In fact, thanks to radio, the careers of singers such as Péricles, Belo, Zeca Pagodinho, Thiaguinho, Ferrugem, Arlindo Cruz and many others gained national visibility, becoming artists recognized by the public and other media.

Péricles is one of the main pagoda artists today (Photo: Reproduction/Mariana Pekin/UOL)

2 – Pop

Michael Jackson, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish; but there are also people from home like Pablo Vittar, Anitta, etc. With 25% of sound impacts and reaching millions of listeners across the country on FM radio waves, pop has been a rage for decades and is in second place on our list. Just like rock, this is a musical style that has a high power to influence the way of life of many people around the world. Here in Brazil, it is on the programming schedule of practically all radio outlets.

Despite having much more strength on TV and also on digital platforms such as YouTube and Spotify, pop has a great difference from other musical tastes in the diversity of artists, lyrics and beats.

Lady Gaga is one of the great representatives of pop. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @ladygaga)

1 – Countryside

On the street, at home, the neighbor and, well, it couldn't be any different on the radio, right? Country music, without a doubt, is the most played, accessed and listened to throughout Brazil. Based on ECAD (Central Collection and Distribution Office), of the 15 most played songs on radio outlets in Brazil, around 10 to 13 are by singers of the country music style. No wonder, the composition Provisional Freedomby Henrique and Juliano, was by far the most listened to during the quarantine period, between April and July this year.

Another interesting fact, and also according to a survey by Kantar Ibope Media, half of the singles that are in the Top 100 belong to the country music genre. Furthermore, 12 of these 50 are sung by women and have already been heard six billion times in 2017 alone.

Provisional Freedom, by Henrique and Juliano, is the most heard. (Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram @HenriqueeJuliano)

(Featured Photo: Top5daLorena: the most listened to musical genres on radio in Brazil. Reproduction/ YouTube @Maiara and Maraisa)

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The 5 Most Popular Musical Genres in Brazil.

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The 5 Most Popular Musical Genres in Brazil.

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