Marília Mendonça's mother shares a moment between her grandson and his father, Murilo Huff

by Xavier Catherine
Marília Mendonça's mother shares a moment between her grandson and

Marília Mendonça's mother shares a moment between her grandson and his father, Murilo Huff

Doting grandmother Ruth Moreira, mother of Marília Mendonça, shared a cute moment of her grandson, Léo, two years old, with his father, country singer Murilo Huff, on social media this Tuesday (13). Through her Instagram, Dona Ruth, as she is known, posted a photo of her grandson lying down with Murilo, “missing his daddy”, she wrote.

Due to his busy concert schedule, the country singer has to spend a lot of time away from his son. Murilo spoke about how much he misses his little one to Quem magazine and said that he would even work on Father's Day. “I'll be doing a show, missing Léo and my father, but I'm very grateful to be healthy and working, to be able to bring joy to the crowd,” he explained.

Dona Ruth posted a cute moment of her grandson enjoying his father's return home. (Reproduction/Instagram)

The singer revealed that when he was younger, Léo didn't understand when his father had to travel for his tours and would stay away and sulk, which changed as the little boy grew up. Today, his son doesn't waste any time and has been glued to his father since he arrived and Murilo celebrates his son's maturity, who is beginning to better understand the reasons why his father stays away.

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Murilo also reflected on the lessons he learned during the pandemic and said that when he is at home in Goiânia, he spends most of his time with Léo and the rest of his family. The singer added that this was the lesson learned from the pandemic and that “we have to stay by the side of those we love while there is still time.”

The musician also shared his desire to pass on his father's teachings to Léo, emphasizing character as the most important characteristic to pass on to his son. “I want him to be a good guy, a person who knows how to respect, understand and help others,” he declared, saying that he will support his son in whatever career he decides to pursue in the future and stressed the importance of being a support base for the little one.

Featured Photo: Murilo Huff and Léo. Reproduction/Instagram.

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Marília Mendonça's mother shares a moment between her grandson and his father, Murilo Huff

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