9 Ways to Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

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Overcome Awkwardness During Sex-Do the following before damaging the mood!

magine if you and your partner have been very excited about having se-x, but somehow suddenly you both feel embarrassed, or there are things that spoil the atmosphere so that the activities of making love become delayed.

These two situations can cause awkwardness between you and your partner. To start again will usually be difficult.

How to deal with it so that the mood does not fall apart? These are things you can do to overcome awkwardness during sex with a partner.

1. Realize that awkwardness is normal

Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

Not only for newlyweds, sex is also sometimes still an unexpected event for couples who have been together for a long time. Differences in position, mood, and location can affect the atmosphere of making love. Therefore, it is natural that awkwardness is inevitable.

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If you and your partner feel awkward before sex, realize that it’s normal. You are not alone because many other couples feel the same way.

2. Communicate with your partner

Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

Communication is important in every relationship, including when it comes to sex. You and your partner should talk about what makes you passionate, as well as what you don’t like when making love. You can say anything that can cause awkwardness. Talking about it helps you and your partner understand each other and find a solution.

3. Intersperse with humor (Overcome Awkwardness During Se-x)

Overcome Awkwardness During Sex
Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

When something embarrassing happens before you and your partner have sex, intersperse it with laughter. It can make the awkward atmosphere more fluid. Once things get better, you can continue your activities with your partner with pleasure.

4. Set the mood before making love

There are times when we need a little help to create a pleasant mood before making love. For example, turning on romantic music, setting the light in the room, to using sexy clothes. These methods can reduce awkwardness between you and your partner during sex.

5. Avoid distractions

At the same time, make sure you and your partner are focused on what you want to do. Therefore, it is best to turn off the television and keep the phone out of reach when you want to have sex. It can help you and your partner stay connected and not think about anything else.

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6. Move slowly (Overcome Awkwardness During Sex)

In order for sex to be comfortable and not cause awkwardness, you and your partner must respond to each other. It’s a good idea to have sex slowly and make the most of the time to explore each other’s bodies so that you and your partner achieve the same pleasure.

7. Be confident and be positive

It’s important to think that everything will be okay. If from the beginning you are afraid that the situation will be awkward, then there can be discomfort. It can also affect the atmosphere between you and your partner.

8. Prevent awkwardness with good preparation

Overcome Awkwardness During Sex
Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

There are some awkward moments that can be avoided by doing good preparation. For example, by preparing mentally as well as external factors. You can do research on what your partner likes and wants.

9. Ask an expert for help (Overcome Awkwardness During Sex)

Overcome Awkwardness During Sex

If you and your partner are often awkward during sex or you experience physical problems (pubic pain or difficulty reaching climax), it’s best to contact an expert. Don’t be shy to talk about it. These professionals will help listen, diagnose problems and provide several treatment options. If these bad things can be overcome, your sex activities and your partner will not be disturbed anymore.

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Those are 9 ways that can be done to overcome awkwardness during sex. Hope it helps!


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