a vanity that can be dangerous
Whether in oval shape, ballerina, stiletto or lipstick, the fact is that Gel nails are gaining more and more people in love with these various nail formats. But are these new models 100% safe?
The University of California discovered that the radiation emitted by ultraviolet lamps that make gel polish harden on nails have cancer-causing mutations in human cells. In order to have more permanent nails that do not break or peel easily, more and more women are choosing this type of nailbut dermatologists started a big warning: nail in gel may not be safe.
Fiberglass nails with pink nail polish. Playback: Instagram/@neilasalao
Some specialists in the dermatological field are reporting cases of patients with falling nails, skin eruptions and even, in rarer cases, breathing difficulties, but even more worrying are the long-term cases, since some studies point to consequences such as the acceleration of aging and cancer risk, however, we still cannot confirm with certainty, just as we cannot guarantee that Gel nails are in fact good to be used on our nails.
Faced with this “doubt” that still hangs over this subject, nothing fairer than deciding for yourself whether the possible risks outweigh the benefits. If so, believe me, the enameling processes of gel nail they are increasingly modern and technological, which may favor, but if you choose not to do this procedure, know that there are many modern long-lasting nail polishes that are as effective as gel nail polish. In any case, it is always good to be informed about the subject so that your choice is made with confidence.
Featured photo: Boss Nails Photo: Playback/Instagram/@nails.boss
a vanity that can be dangerous
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