Acting as an Entrepreneur: Ronald embarks on a new journey.

by Xavier Catherine
Acting as an Entrepreneur: Ronald embarks on a new journey

Acting as an Entrepreneur: Ronald embarks on a new journey.

Ronald Nazário de Lima, the 21-year-old son of former soccer players Ronaldo 'Fenômeno' and Milene Domingues, has been questioned by fans and internet users about why he doesn't follow in his parents' footsteps. Despite his young age, Ronald knew how to deal with the external pressure of following his own path from an early age. For five years, he performed over 300 electronic music shows as a DJ and, after taking a break, began investing in business after opening an action figure store with anime characters as the main theme.

Ronaldo Fenômeno's son takes a break from his DJ career to invest in business (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

“To this day, I still receive messages from people asking me: 'Why didn't you go into football? Look how things are these days', as if I were going to solve anything. I admit that at times it was harder to deal with the pressure, but today I can handle it with ease. My parents know the value of pursuing what you love because they did it, they went against all expectations to pursue their passion, football. They always taught me the value that if there is something you love to do, pursue it, no matter what it is. Many people may not understand, but listen to your heart and pursue it. I followed that to the letter. The two things I work with today, music and Kame Geek, are passions.”says the young man.
Even with a privileged financial situation, the new businessman says that he always had an education from his parents, who separated when he was 3 years old and both always taught him to value things.

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Ronald also answered questions asked by the website Who, and also recalled the education given by his parents and said: “My parents raised me in a very down-to-earth way, knowing how to value things. Neither my father nor my mother let me be dazzled by the luxuries they could provide me. They always showed me that behind the house and comfort, there was a great sacrifice. This made me grow up valuing things a lot. Nothing is free, on the contrary, my parents had to sacrifice many things to be able to provide me with everything they have provided me with so far, from an education, a great school and childhood in another country, and opportunities in terms of work.”he concluded.

Ronald says he did 18 shows in one month (Photo: Reproduction/ Vitormilanezphoto)

His admiration for music began when he was still young, and this passion became his main source of income. The young man invested in entrepreneurs who helped him work on his image, making him independent of the image his parents had already built as a public person. The struggle for financial independence led Ronald to take a two-year break from the entertainment world. His great passion for the geek universe led him to experience great growth with his store of dolls inspired by his favorite characters from his childhood. “I haven't achieved financial independence yet because there are still things I can't do on my own, but I've definitely been on that path for a few years now. Despite the ups and downs, I'm happy with where I am right now.”concludes the young man.

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Featured Photo: Ronald. Reproduction/Instagram

Acting as an Entrepreneur: Ronald embarks on a new journey.

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