Adele misses grocery shopping 1 without being recognized

by James Williams
Adele misses grocery shopping without being recognized

Adele misses grocery shopping

Adele is world famous and cannot cross the street without being recognized. While she is grateful for her success, she misses certain elements of normal life. In Nikkie de Jager’s YouTube program The Power of MakeUp, the 33-year-old singer says that she loves shopping.

The artist does not want to care about fans and photographers who constantly keep an eye on her, but that is difficult. “You can do anything if you’re famous, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t want everyone to see everything.

I really enjoy shopping, walking along the shelves. But because I don’t want to be photographed, I really have to plan that and I don’t want to. So I shop online.”

Adele misses grocery shopping without being recognized

Adele misses grocery shopping without being recognized

According to Adele, people have a distorted view of fame. “I think everyone thinks fame is very glamorous, but behind the scenes it really isn’t.

I regularly have to wait in alleys to get from place to place. It’s really not that special,” said the singer. “I think they think fame makes you happy.”

The artist is cautious when it comes to talking about fame because she knows how much hope it can offer people. “It’s something people idealize, it’s a lot of people’s dream. Adele misses grocery shopping

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