Aircross Insurance: protect those who deserve it!
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Discover the advantages and disadvantages of having a Citroen AirCross and find out how to take out the best Aircross insurance to protect your car from any unforeseen events. In this article you will find all this information and much more.
The Citroen AirCross began to be produced in Brazil in 2010 and in 2012 it already had its new line with the Flex Start system. In April 2013 he won a special series called Atacama.
In 2011, the model was among the 50 best-selling models of the year, with 16,717 sales this year, according to data from Fenabrave (National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distribution). Currently, it has an average of 959 monthly sales, and in June 2012 it reached 1,482 sales per month.
As it has been a best-seller for several seasons, it is very important to know more about this vehicle and know its positive and negative points. Also take the opportunity to find out how to take out Aircross insurance and protect your car at all times.

Image: Citroen
Why take out insurance for your AirCross?
Everyone wants to protect their car, after all, it is a great asset that deserves all the care. Therefore, taking out Citroen AirCross car insurance is the best way to protect your car from any unforeseen circumstances.
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Since maintenance and parts are expensive, you may also need help when you have to send it for repairs or perhaps even need a spare car that your insurance can provide.
In addition to these reasons, just the fact that you are protected and ready for any problem is a great reason to take out your insurance with your eyes closed (but in the best way, always researching as much as possible).
What is the value of AirCross insurance?
The value of AirCross insurance starts at R$1,500, but it can be more or less cheap depending on the version of the car, the company chosen and various factors that shape the driver's profile.
The best way to choose the best insurance is to research several companies in the area, always paying attention to the quality of services.
Here at Afrilatest you have access to the best insurance companies to always guarantee the lowest prices and best plans. Additionally, you have access to tips to further protect your car.
Advantages and disadvantages of having an AirCross
There are several advantages of having an AirCross, but the highlights are the equipment, 3-year warranty and softness with low noise levels.
The maintenance of expensive parts are disadvantages of the model along with high consumption, somewhat modest engine performance given its size and low gearshift and handbrake position.
Discover our tips for finding cheaper car insurance.
To eliminate some disadvantages, AirCross insurance is very important, as the issue of expensive parts, for example, can be resolved with the help of good insurance when you need it. Furthermore, protecting your vehicle is always a good thing.
Aircross Insurance: protect those who deserve it!
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Aircross Insurance: protect those who deserve it!