Amid rumors of affair, Bruna Griphao attends Gabriel Santana’s fashion show at SPFW

Amid rumors of affair, Bruna Griphao attends Gabriel Santana's fashion

Amid rumors of affair, Bruna Griphao attends Gabriel Santana’s fashion show at SPFW

Amid rumors of an alleged relationship with Gabriel Santana, The former BBB Bruna Griphao went to honor him, this Friday (25), in the parade Sao Paulo Fashion Week. Gabriel Santana, who made a radical change in his look, appeared in some photos before going up the catwalk with bleached eyebrows and hair.

Very daring, Gabriel bleached his locks when he became very blonde in order to be able to represent well the Dendezeiro brand of genderless fashion at 55th edition possible in the capital of São Paulo.

Gabriel made his debut on the catwalks at the SPFW last Wednesday (24). In an interview with Revista Quem, the ex-BBB spoke how he felt when participating in a parade for the first time, right after the program and his relationship with Bruna Griphao. “It was really amazing to walk the runway. First time I walk down the catwalk. I incorporated the model there, I also took a modeling class for the catwalk and it was super cool. The experience was really nice.” said Gabriel.

In addition, the actor also spoke more about the program and his current relationship with Bruna Griphao, with whom he had a brief involvement in the reality show. “We are really good friends. We had an incredible connection at the BBB and today we are living our friendship out here”, explained Santana.

Bruna Griphao on the Mais Você program (Photo/Reproduction/Instagram)

This Monday (22), Bruna Griphao released her second single in her career as a singer, also having a solid career as an actress. She made her music career debut during her confinement on the BBB-23 program with the song Bandit. Bruna recently spoke about the new phase of her life, about her relationship with Gabriel and about a video of an alleged kiss between the two that has been circulating on social media. “I was going through a difficult time and I wrote about it as a form of therapy. You can make another two songs with everything I wrote when I was composing Queimar”, Bruna advances, also commenting on her relationship with Gabriel Santana and a video of the alleged kiss between them. “Everyone really thinks that we kiss because of the angle. We were talking alone. Especially because we weren’t going to kiss on the stage of the birthday of Marvvilla. Gabriel is a very good friend of mine, we are very close. One of the closest people out here,” explains Bruno.

Featured photo: Gabriel Santana before the fashion show for Dendezeiro at SPFW 55/ Reproduction/Eduardo Martins/ Agnews

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Silvia Poppovic tells how Palmirinha's first interview was

Amid rumors of affair, Bruna Griphao attends Gabriel Santana’s fashion show at SPFW

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