Anatomy of a Fall wins Palme d'Or at Cannes
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Another film made it to the list of winners of the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Festival. In the 2023 edition, “Anatomy of a Fall” was the grand winner of the event's most prestigious award.
The Palme d'Or, one of the awards of the Cannes Festival, is an award given to the winning film of the event since 1955. It is the third time in history that the victory has gone to a woman. In 1993, Jane Campion took the statuette for “The Piano”; in 2021, Julia Ducournau with “Titane”; and in 2023 it was the French filmmaker’s turn Justine Trietwith “Anatomy of a Fall” (“Anatomy of a Fall”in free translation).
According to critics and specialized websites, the French feature film was one of the favorites for the award.
Justine Triet speaking upon receiving the award. (Photo: Reproduction/Eric Gaillard/REUTERS)
The film was not the only one to stand out in the awards. Brazil also participated in the French event. The Brazilian film “The Flower of Buriti”in Renée Nader Messora It is João Salaviza, received the “Ensemble” award from the “Un Certain Regard” session. The production addresses the resistance of the Kraho indigenous people, from the north of Tocantins.
Another one that stood out was “Firebrand”British production directed by Brazilian Karim Aïnouz, but which, unfortunately, did not receive any awards. In the 2023 edition, six films participated in different screenings throughout the festival.
Excerpt from the film “The Flower of Buriti”. (Photo: Disclosure)
See the list of other 2023 winners below:
– Grand Prix: “The Zone of Interest”directed by Jonathan Glazer
– Jury Award: “Fallen Leaves”directed by Aki Kaurismäki
– Best actress: Merve Dizdar, by “About Dry Grasses”
– Best Actor: Koji Yakusho, by “Perfect Days”
– Best Direction: Tran Anh Hung, by “The Pot au Feu”
– Best Screenplay: Yûji Sakamoto, by “Monster”
Check out the synopsis of the winning feature film:
“A man is found dead in the snow outside the isolated chalet where he lived with his wife, a German writer, and their visually impaired 11-year-old son. The investigation concluded that it was a “suspicious death”: it is impossible to know for sure whether he took his own life or was murdered. The widow is indicted, having her own son in the middle of the conflict: between the trial and family life, doubts weigh on the mother-son relationship.”
The film is directed by Justine Triet, French filmmaker, screenwriter and editor. The film does not yet have a release date in Brazil.
The closing ceremony of the awards was attended by several well-known Hollywood names, such as Quentin Tarantino It is Jane Fonda. After the ceremony, guests were able to watch the company's new animated film. Pixar, “Elements”from the principal Peter Sohnwhich is scheduled to premiere on June 15th.
O 76th Cannes Film Festival started on the 16th and ended today, May 27th.
Featured photo: Justine Triet and her team receiving the award. Reproduction/Cristophe Simon/AFP.
Anatomy of a Fall wins Palme d'Or at Cannes
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Anatomy of a Fall wins Palme d'Or at Cannes