Aquele Abraço by Gilberto Gil gets an unprecedented version with the family's participation in a new series on Amazon Prime Video
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This Monday (26), the platform streaming of music operated by Amazon, the Amazon Musicreleased an unreleased version of the song “That Hug”a classic of Brazilian music, written by Gilberto Gil in 1969. In this new version, Gil sings alongside members of his family. Also participating in the song are Black Gil, Well Gil, John Gil, Jose Gil, Fran Gil, Gil Flower, Nara Gil, Lucas Gil, Gabriel Gil, Pedro Gil, Bento Gil and Maria Pinkusfeld. The song will be part of the soundtrack of the new series Amazon Prime Video focused on the singing family.”Traveling with Gil” will accompany the family during the tour “We, the People”, across Europe. The series is set to premiere on the 30th of this month.
Gilberto Gil (Video: Reproduction/Twitter @amazonmusicbr)
According to Gil, he usually makes several versions of his songs and the current version of “That Hug” is special because his family sings along with him: “It has a way of recapturing the traditional sense of samba that the music expresses.”, said the singer. He continues explaining how the release of the song was a reunion with the public at the time: “I was leaving prison, it was Ash Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, all decorated for Carnival, and I had this deep feeling of love for the city, for Brazilian life and for samba. All of that came to the surface.”,
The new song was a celebration of Gil's 81st birthday, which he celebrated on the 26th, and was recorded in Geneva, Switzerland. The Gil family also visited France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, England, Morocco and others.
Gil's partnership with Amazon Prime is part of a series of actions by the company to bring exclusive content to fans, attracting new audiences to the platform. According to the Head of Amazon Music Bruno Vieira, the playlist “MPB Nation”, which features songs like “That Hug” and is one of the main ones of its kind, it grew 23.9% in Brazil in the first quarter of the year, demonstrating how the trend of delivering platform exclusives has guaranteed audience attraction.
Featured photo: Members of the Gil family together. Reproduction/Instagram/GilbertoGil
Aquele Abraço by Gilberto Gil gets an unprecedented version with the family's participation in a new series on Amazon Prime Video
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Aquele Abraço by Gilberto Gil gets an unprecedented version with the family's participation in a new series on Amazon Prime Video