Crossing: Moretti is arrested after being unmasked about the attack
In chapter 100 of “Crossing”, from TV Globo, Guerra (Humberto Martins) and Cidália (Cassia Kis) suffered an attack, which caused a car accident and left them in a coma in the hospital, giving way to Ari (Chay Suede) hit the construction company by the owner is on the verge of death.
Read+: Helô will find out that Karina suffered virtual rape
The cafajeste has his bags ready for the airport, but in this Friday’s chapter, April 28, Zezinho (Paulo Tiefenthaler) will recognize him in prison, causing Helô (Giovanna Antonelli) order all the police to go after Moretti to arrest him once and for all.
Yone (Yohama Eshima) will then notify the police chief: “As for that other situation, Moretti’s, I have already forwarded the notice to the airports”. It is at the airport that Moretti will actually be, and during check-in, he is surprised by the police, who shout, before arresting him: “Police”.
Bia realizes that Oto chose to stay with Brisa. Joel and Marineide despair looking for Karina. Dante consoles Bia. Karina asks Isa for help. Joel asks Helô to find Karina. Helô finds out that Karina was virtually raped and advises Joel and Marineide to take in their daughter.
Read+: Check out the chapter summaries of Travessia
Cidália asks Chiara who was the woman who was talking to Júlia in the apartment that Guerra’s daughter rented. Guida tells Cidália about the pregnant bellies she saw in Chiara’s room. Moretti is approached by police at the airport.
“Travessia” premiered on Rede Globo on October 10, replacing “Pantanal” in the 9 pm slot. The plot is written by Glória Perez and directed by Mauro Mendonça Filho. The telenovela has important names in the cast, such as Lucy Alves, Chay Suede, Giovanna Antonelli, Alexandre Nero, Jade Picon, among others.
Crossing: Moretti is arrested after being unmasked about the attack
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